Does addict ever realize he is an addict?

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Re: Does addict ever realize he is an addict?

Post by hurting38 » Sun May 11, 2014 10:32 am

Thank you for your respond !!! I appreciate it!

Re: Does addict ever realize he is an addict?

Post by Leira23 » Mon May 05, 2014 2:12 pm

Try looking up Al-non meetings in your area. It's a support group for families who are living/dealing with addicts. They can help you get your life in the right direction, because it sounds like you can't continue on this path. Your kids will soon learn something is not right, and you need to protect them.
Try and find a lawyer who helps low income families, start saving as much money as possible.
I would give my husband to cards-one for divorce and one for counseling. Try supporting him-emotionally- but do not enable him.
Counseling could help him see he needs rehab. Find a counceler, preferably a male who specializes in addiction. Most men will be more willing to talk to a male counselor. If your insurance doesn't cover it, call around for a pro-rated one, who will see you for a very reasonable price.

You don't want your kids thinking their father is a safe person and this is normal behavior.
You said you don't have money, can you get a job? Find a stay at home mom who could watch the kids for a reasonable price,

If he gets violent or your are being abused, I would call the cops to start a paper trail which you would need if he ever tried to fight you for custody.
Keep a journal and document his behaviors as well, and never, ever leave your kids alone with an addict,

You can always go to a women's shelter as well if it comes down to it,
I hope this is somewhat helpful, Please attend an Al non meeting, They are truly helpful in teaching you how to cope, provides resources to better you and your children's life & and you never know who you could meet there. Many women go throu this, and having a friend in a similar situation can help give you stregnth.
I wish you the best, please take action, the sooner you do the sooner you and your children will be living a happy stress free life.

Re: Does addict ever realize he is an addict?

Post by Heart Broken » Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:54 pm

You sound like my daughter in law. My son is the addict. I wish I had some words of advice that would work like magic, but it's just an awful situation. I hate to keep hearing it and now I'm saying it to you, take care of yourself and go get some counseling. Nar Anon is free and you can find a place to go by searching your city and state. Good luck to you and I hope you get this message.

Re: Does addict ever realize he is an addict?

Post by hurting38 » Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:18 am

I found this site hoping to get some comfort, help ,advice during this difficult time I am going through. It's unfortunate, nobody has replied to my 2 posts(1 person) It sure would keep person going and give me little encouragement ! I was told to sigh in and chat, nobody ever chats here or also respond when I want to chat... I wish good luck to all of you members here, I will not be returning to this site,

Does addict ever realize he is an addict?

Post by hurting38 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:00 pm

As I am in circle of going round and round,of sorry,last time,won't do it again,this time is different. Many problems on the road,many accidents,circumstances,broken marriage.,,,,I wonder at what point does sick person realize they need therapy,and it can no longer continue. I have no more strength to handle this,my husband drug addict/ cocaine and alcohol goes well with it,is giving me hard time and my kids as he struggle and make empty promises. I want to be free ,and get out of relationship,just have no resource or family to go to.i don't believe it will ever stop .as he won't come home for 2-3 nights,no call ,no show.lies.i have no trust in him ,and hate to smell him,look at his eyes,and figure what he did, who is he with,where he goes when he is gone. Any advice?.i am always pretty down,as he seems to function well for few days,and then gives up fast.and I can't take lie as he tells me he is coming home,while he is not even thinking of coming home and has other plans.
