Need someone to chat with.....

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Need someone to chat with.....

Unread postby Renee27 » Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:59 am

This is my first time admitting that I have a problem and I am having a hard time with it. I am a "social sprinter drinker". I can go days, wks, or months without having one drink but when I have that one, I dont know when to stop. I realized this week that I have a problem when I woke up in my neighbors home. I have no idea how I wound up there and it scared me. I black out and cant remember hours of the evening. I want to and can stop but everyone I hang out with love to drink, including my husband which is how we met. Im afraid once I stop, I am going to loose everything but I have a child and I dont want him thinking that that is the only way to have a good time. There is a meeting today, which would be my first, but Im scared to go........
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Re: Need someone to chat with.....

Unread postby PhillyBillE » Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:48 pm

Hey Renee,
I would encourage you to at least attend a meeting, regardless of the initial fear. It sounds like you are openly looking to address the effect of drinking, and are likely to meet people who were once in a similar circumstance and found a way out.
It may not happen your first meeting, but it is a start.
The Steps of A.A. Work. I needed meetings to meet someone who had done them, and grew to believe those Steps allowed them to be sober & happy, and might work for me.
Just keeping my answer as simple as I can, a meeting is unlikely to hurt anything. If you can use some help, they are great places to find some.
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Re: Need someone to chat with.....

Unread postby MichiganRay » Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:29 pm

I was petrified about going to my first meeting. That was in 1987. For 15 years after my first meeting I was in the recovery, relapse, revolving door. Many bad things happened. Two marriages were dissolved; four drunk driving arrests(with jail time); nineteen days in a psych ward and all the drama attached to everything. By the Grace of God I got the program in 2002 and may celebrate eleven years in February. It's worth it and it does get better. Hang in there.

Re: Need someone to chat with.....

Unread postby alisam » Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:43 am

Renee27 wrote:
> This is my first time admitting that I have a problem and I am having a
> hard time with it. I am a "social sprinter drinker". I can go
> days, wks, or months without having one drink but when I have that one, I
> dont know when to stop.
This is exactly the same as me. I cannt go to a meeting for various reasons. Perhaps we could support each other online and journey together.
Blessed Be. x
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Re: Need someone to chat with.....

Unread postby surferrandys » Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:30 pm

Renee27 wrote:
> This is my first time admitting that I have a problem and I am having a
> hard time with it. I am a "social sprinter drinker". I can go
> days, wks, or months without having one drink but when I have that one, I
> dont know when to stop. I realized this week that I have a problem when I
> woke up in my neighbors home. I have no idea how I wound up there and it
> scared me. I black out and cant remember hours of the evening. I want to
> and can stop but everyone I hang out with love to drink, including my
> husband which is how we met. Im afraid once I stop, I am going to loose
> everything but I have a child and I dont want him thinking that that is the
> only way to have a good time. There is a meeting today, which would be my
> first, but Im scared to go........

hi Renee

Nothing is more important than to find out what addiction is, black outs are not cool. I would suggest you stay away from anyone that drinks. You admitted you think you have a problem. no one is telling you to stop drinking, There is a program that works but the first step is admitting you have a problem. AA is a good place and no one is going to find fault. You do not have to admit you have a problem or even talk., Find a meeting and just sit and listen, No one understands your problem better than another alchoholic. All of us have been through it all and you are not all alone thinking no one understands. There is the AA big book and it is online. Start reading it and begin to get to know the 12 steps. You cannot do it on your on, If you think you can. good Luck. We have all tried everything. It is ok not to drink. It is about you and no one else, You say you will loose everything. What is more important. Working on your drinking problem or loosing everything. I had to stop depending on people, places and things. That does not work. Getting Sober is more important. People that drink cannot help you. Get around people like me that have recovered. There is a solution. Good Luck.
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Re: Need someone to chat with.....

Unread postby 5108newhall » Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:28 am

It took me a long time to admit I had a problem with drinking and later drugs. I too met my husband through drinking and my social life centered around booze and I also drank alone. I did not really get help and work the AA and NA programs until I hit bottom and the pain I had outweighed any indecisiveness only part. I think for people like me, hitting bottom was the only way I could finally use the tools that AA offers.
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