Looking for a Female Sponsor

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Looking for a Female Sponsor

Unread postby santosha » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:37 pm


I'm brand new to the board here and this is my first post. I am thrilled to share that on March 1st, I celebrated my three year anniversary! The reason I've joined the board and am looking for support is because I've spent the last year and a half without a sponsor. I had a sponsor in the very beginning and broke off our relationship a little after a year because I felt she shamed me inappropriately. I haven't found anyone else in the program who has what I want (to the degree that I'm willing to ask them to be my sponsor), but I do maintain active friendships with sober friends and speak with them regularly. I'm only making one meeting a week and I know this is a hindrance to finding a sponsor. My hope in joining the boards was that perhaps I'd meet someone online that might be a good temporary sponsor for me. I'm a woman, and as per the guidelines of the program, am looking to work with another woman. Thank you for your time and support. S.
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Re: Looking for a Female Sponsor

Unread postby joeliejoel » Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:09 pm

I am curious about the user tag you have- santosha. Did you know it is Hindi for 'contentment'?

Re: Looking for a Female Sponsor

Unread postby santosha » Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:23 pm


Yup, I know Santosha means contentment. Contentment is one of the rewards of sobriety for me. : ) How about for you?

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