how to quit

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how to quit

Unread postby FirstTimeQuiter » Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:09 pm


I think my problem's maybe a little unusual, and I'm not sure people will take me seriously, but here goes.

I've definitely got a drinking problem, but from what I heard about other people's problems, mine seems so mild in comparison that you might think why should I even bother asking anybody how to quit, just quit. But I've been trying for several days now, and I haven't been able to so far.

Here's the good news: I just about never actually get drunk, let alone black out. I just drink enough to get a buzz on. It hasn't caused me any legal or social problems. In fact, as far as I can tell, no one, not even my friends and family, can tell I've got a drinking problem. I don't drink enough that you can smell it on me.

Here's the bad news: When I don't drink for a couple hours, I get antsy if I'm just hanging out, but not so much if I'm keeping myself busy. Also, I now need to be buzzed to drop off to sleep at night, and I've put on a lot of weight from drinking, and I know it's bad for my health. And a few times I've missed work because it's upset my stomach so much, especially if I don't eat enough, which I occasionally don't because sometimes I don't have any appetite. And several times I've had diarrhea, which I'm pretty sure is related to this.

I went to an AA meeting, but it didn't seem to have anything to do with my situation. People were talking about how they were completely out of control and had hurt others and flew into rages and so forth, none of which applies to me.

I can't check into rehab because I don't have health insurance.

Is it possible to ween yourself off of alcohol? If not, how do I go cold turkey?

Thanks for any help anybody can give.

Re: how to quit

Unread postby Lauren63z » Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:05 am

When people talk about hitting their bottom, they are talking about "their bottom" every has a different bottom. I felt as you did, my family still doesn't take this whole AA business serious. But I knew I had hit my "bottom" as it seems you knew you had hit yours. AA is a simple program for complicated people. Keep it simple. don't drink, go to meetings, help out, share your pain, you don't have to give all the ugly details, just let people know you are in anguish. share share share. but also listen listen listen. go to meetings where they read from the Big book. keep coming back!
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Re: how to quit

Unread postby Graham » Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:54 am

Hi Lauren,
Agree with you and like to add to quit drinking set a quit day and make it special for you. Share your problems with your friends and family members and listen to their views also. Ask your friends and family members to support your decision and avoid going to places where you might found smokers.
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