I can taste it

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I can taste it

Unread postby lizb » Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:16 pm

So at just over 2 years sober my boss waves a glass of red wine under my nose at the work christmas party. The next day my alchoholic brain reaches back and pulls up the memory of the taste when driving back from the Rehab Xmas party. Am not having luck getting rid of that taste and thought. Any tips? Off to a meeting tonight, however in the interests of sanity I really want this to go away!
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Re: I can taste it

Unread postby Guest » Fri Dec 12, 2014 5:44 am

God grant me the serenity....
Go to a meeting :)

Re: I can taste it

Unread postby lizb » Fri Dec 12, 2014 8:06 am

Once again I have been reminded of how this disease works. Once again I have been shown that I am an alcoholic. A normal drinker would not obsess over the imagined taste of wine for 2 days! And to think that I almost let that crappy disease dig its claws back in. Now is the time for gratitude that another day has passed without a drink.
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Re: I can taste it

Unread postby 2yearsin » Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:14 pm

Be proud of knowing right from wrong, the non alcoholic is in the drivers seat, the alcoholic is trying to negotiate. How easy it is to fall apart to promises of glory in a bottle that only produce a life of ruin. Once that bridge has been crossed the map is here to stay, its up to the the driver and who is driving to direct one down which path, if its a dead end road better off checking out new pastures. Embed in ones mind the harm caused by that innocent glass of liquid promise to no where. Set your self free, and show your wings. take care

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