binge drinking

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binge drinking

Unread postby bsdonnelly » Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:52 am

I finally reached the point in my life where my drinking got my attention. I've had a few episodes where I drank so much, act like a arrogant ass to family and friends and woke up the next day and had no memory of it. the latest involved my wife and sons and I'm know seeking professional help. I can't control my drinking, I can't just have 1 or 2 drinks I have to have many drinks and I'm on several meds that advise not to mix alcohol. Wondering if anyone has had similar experiences and how they have gone about overcoming this problem?

Re: binge drinking

Unread postby Kosbug » Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:05 pm

I fill blessed to not need a drink today! Working the 12 steps has given my a new life on that really is as good as I alow to see and live today.
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Re: binge drinking

Unread postby Kosbug » Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:07 pm

bsdonnelly wrote:
> I finally reached the point in my life where my drinking got my attention.
> I've had a few episodes where I drank so much, act like a arrogant ass to
> family and friends and woke up the next day and had no memory of it. the
> latest involved my wife and sons and I'm know seeking professional help. I
> can't control my drinking, I can't just have 1 or 2 drinks I have to have
> many drinks and I'm on several meds that advise not to mix alcohol.
> Wondering if anyone has had similar experiences and how they have gone
> about overcoming this problem?
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Re: binge drinking

Unread postby Soberliving1987 » Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:06 pm

My only suggestion is try an AA meeting or possibly a detox where they would be able to advise you better. Your situation won't improve until you improve by taking action to get the help you need.
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Re: binge drinking

Unread postby Soberliving1987 » Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:07 pm

My only suggestion is try an AA meeting or possibly a detox where they would be able to advise you better. Your situation won't improve until you improve by taking action to get the help you need.
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Re: binge drinking

Unread postby april bobbert » Sat Aug 27, 2016 5:25 pm

I too am a binge drinker and I go through the EXACT same cycle your describing. Today is the first day after months of binge drinking daily that I have not had a drink. It has been a tough, tough day. But Im almost through day one & have to have faith I will be strong enough to do it tomorrow. One minute at a time right now for me. It takes alot of effort and alot of change to get and stay clean. I've done it before.... this time will be for good. I cant afford any more relapses.
april bobbert
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Re: binge drinking

Unread postby Matthew5:9 » Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:21 pm

What you described sounds exactly like myself. I've been through it and I'm very lucky to have a family and children that love me enough to support me through this time. I attended my first meeting in 17 years today and I'm blessed that I was able to attend. The point is that there is help out there if youre willing to get it. I wish you luck. I know how hard it can be.
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Re: binge drinking

Unread postby ScaredBear » Sun Sep 18, 2016 12:04 pm

I am also a binge drinker. I wish I wasn't. I have not been sober in several years for any amount of time. I was in AA before and did not drink for 4 years but toxic people and my demons have gotten the best of me. Can someone please reach out? I feel lonely and sad and don't want to drink today. I just want to talk about it and have no one to talk to. I HATE myself right now. I'm tired of it all. Does anyone have any advice? I need help.

Re: binge drinking

Unread postby Mike1231 » Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:24 pm

Hey out there. Just joined this site. I am struggling at home. I go good for about 5 days and then I just go off the hook. I don't know if there are people who reply or have the same issue, Maybe tell me what works for you. Am going to attend my first 11 meeting next Wednesday. "Temporary inconvenience for long term improvement I guess. Have a nice day!! :)
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Re: binge drinking

Unread postby Daredeviichik » Fri May 19, 2017 11:55 pm

Hey there, so as far as the binge drinking topic goes, I am completely in the same boat. I feel as though I can go a few days, maybe, without drinking, but in my mind, it's as though once the thought of getting a bottle of wine, or two, strikes my mind, I can't change my physical body to not go to the store to get it. There have been times when I pass by the liquor store and think "not now" or "not today" however, if that thought does pass by, and I come home to loved ones having a drink or two, I'm completely overwhelmed to the point of going back out to the store to get some wine, as if to justify my drinking. At family gatherings, I felt so much to drink more of my moscato to get the buzz going versus drinking any of the red wines or other assortment of wines everyone else drank just to feel included. I have had a handful of drinks as I'm writing this, however I do wish to better my life and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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