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I just need help

Unread postPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:20 pm
by Guest
I do not know where to start...

and I am tired

Unread postPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:19 am
by Guest
Guest, I feel for you.

This is what I would do:
- I would see my physician and talk about a course of action. Maybe ask for medication. Maybe ask for an inpatient or outpatient treatment.
- I would go to an AA meeting as soon as possible.
- After the meeting, I would talk to people. Communicating with others who are/have been in the same situation is the best. They know what to do. They are/have been there.
- If possible I would go to several meetings a day, morning and evening.
- I would read books. I'd go to go to the library and get a bunch of books that would help me understand what's going on.

You are not alone. Talk here if you want.