I need help - I am so depressed

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I need help - I am so depressed

Unread postby Oscarb5 » Tue May 15, 2012 3:00 pm

Is anyone out there? I am so depressed.
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Re: I need help - I am so depressed

Unread postby Missy046 » Wed May 16, 2012 12:13 am

Hello! It will get better! Have faith. I'm praying for you. God bless!!
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Re: I need help - I am so depressed

Unread postby Graham » Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:29 am

Oscarb5 wrote:
> Is anyone out there? I am so depressed.
Hi Oscarb5,
To beat depression take deep breath in fresh air and engage yourself in regular exercises. Eat a well balanced diet plan and drink more water than routine.Share your problems with your pals and family and remember to laugh. Avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine and have enough sleep daily.
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- I am so depressed at this time as well

Unread postby SweetEve » Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:22 pm

I am 6 months and 15 days clean and sober.....and loving it might I add. BUT, I just can't seem to get into the "normal" flow of this new clean and sober living thingy.
As much as I am very proud of myself I am also very sad and depressed at the same time. I haven't worked in a lot of years because before becoming drug addicted I was addicted to the selling of drugs and the money that came from the selling of the drugs. Once I became addicted to the using and living for drugs I sold myself for quite a supportive amount of cash. Recently I had the stupidest notion of actually selling myself "without" the use of drugs again......Luckily though I learned these things called coping skills while in rehab and I used a few to save my self.....from headed down the wrong path again. I went to a local NA meeting and shared about my thoughts and it worked surprisingly. Because just from saying it out loud I began to say to myself "damn what were you thinking????? So I'm saying all of this to get to why I feel so depressed with these worthless feelings....I CANT SEEM TO GET HIRED ANYWHERE>>>> Somebody talk to me...
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Re: I need help - I am so depressed

Unread postby ggjune14 » Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:40 pm

i feel you i was clean for 6 mos. and moved on my own . started using and here we go . sick and tired . i miss my chidred that dont realy want to be part of my life. thay all move away from me i am 53 yrs old not wanting to die but can see that i am killing myself. i can;t sleep walk alone live alone. i know god is showing me were i am in life. i have hope. so should you. lets do this together with na :wink: :wink:

Re: I need help - I am so depressed

Unread postby bop » Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:44 pm

to sweet eve: not sure how to use this site but please please don't sell yourself. the money..it's hard. it helps me to remind myself i'm not alone. it helps me to try to find the smallest spec to be grateful for. but our world--it bombards us with how inadequate we are--all we don't have. our world, our culture fuels addiction. the answer i don't know. but don't give up. you are in my prayers--alll of you. prayers of gratitude

Re: I need help - I am so depressed

Unread postby Mercy164 » Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:19 am

I wish I was here when you folks made this post. I spent 20 plus years putting crack in a pipe, booze down my throat, and needles in my arms. I was so depressed getting sober I thought I wanted to die many times. There were things that got me through it. I found the 12 steps to help. I did them quick because my life was on the line...literally. I was finished in a month and actively sponsoring people. This is what saved me from bouts of depression. I hope to God if you want to help yourself badly enough that you will find this path too.
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Re: I need help - I am so depressed

Unread postby kethy » Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:25 am

I need someone’s help because I don’t know what I do for my elder brother he is his job less for three months because vacations are start and all the schools are close for three months so my brother are need to doing something related with computer because he is very intelligent and takes big knowledge in computer field so anyone have any idea or information to get job then you must share with me and help me to come out from its big problem.
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Re: I need help - I am so depressed

Unread postby Suzanne b. » Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:50 am

I'm here...out of rehab July 14. Acute PAW remains a problem.
Living with family out of my home state as there is no safe haven at home.
My life is simple and structured. Must maintain a daily schedule.
I'm not returning to work..applied for retirement. I knew going in .....
loved my job and was good at it. Very rewarding but not my identity nor definition.
Spent some time in psych ward after relapse. Best results ever. New meds helpful.
Diagnosis gave me a sense of relief. I remain grateful and hopeful.i am an IOP lifer for sure. Love group..so insightful.
I have no resistance to recovery....I finally surrendered. Learning new self care tactics to stay positive..although I am human and have sad days too. I am not unique. Snowing today..quite lovely...reminds me of home .
I am grateful today for being too blessed to be stressed.
Peace and mercy to all
Suzanne B.
ps. I channel my happy,sad,mad,glad emotions in Art. I can not stress enough how important it is to find something
Healthy one has a passion for and loves doing .
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Re: I need help - I am so depressed

Unread postby Guest » Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:21 pm

ggjune14 wrote:
> i feel you i was clean for 6 mos. and moved on my own . started using and
> here we go . sick and tired . i miss my chidred that dont realy want to be
> part of my life. thay all move away from me i am 53 yrs old not wanting to
> die but can see that i am killing myself. i can;t sleep walk alone live
> alone. i know god is showing me were i am in life. i have hope. so should
> you. lets do this together with na :wink: :wink:

Hi I just seen your post and I am going thru the exact thing you going thru. I am just writing to see how u doing so far and praying we all get better but now I knw am not alone but without the percs I feel so sick don't want to do anything not even go to work. Its not that I don't want to do better its just my mind is so clouded now with depression because of what I've done to myself. I pray to God to save me and I know he will to you and the rest fighting this addiction. Keep me posted I am now looking for NA meetings around my area before its too late . I can't be clean on my own I need help and I hope I will find some here. God bless you and all of us going through this hard times.

Re: I need help - I am so depressed

Unread postby tpelegrinis » Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:35 pm

Hello my name is Tricia I'm fron Long Island New York, I have a aweful drug addiction and I keep on relapsing because as soon as I become depressed I turn to my addiction. Any one feel similar to this and have any words on how to handle it? Thank you
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