If you want what I have

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If you want what I have

Unread postby Denis G » Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:14 am

If you want what I have you need to take the 1st step and admit to yourself that you are powerless over your addiction. This is easily done by walking through the door of a meeting. For me it was putting myself in rehab. It is a very simple program, there is no mystery to it. You go to a meeting, introduce yourself, raise your hand and say I need a sponsor. This will most likely be a temporary sponsor who will want you to start calling him that night. If you feel the need to use after wards don't wait till the night to call him, do it asap. Then go to another meeting, and another, and another. Until you find a sponsor you like, and feel you can relate to in their stories. Picking your permanent sponsor should be like a job interview. I have certain criteria for mine. 1. Do they have atleast 5 years clean and sober.( alcohol is a drug to) 2. How many people are they sponsoring.( this is very important, you don't want someone who is sponsoring 4, 5,10 people because they wont have time for you so pick someone that is only sponsoring 1 or 2 other people. 3. Have they finished the 12 steps( this is a tricky one because you must understand that the steps will not only help you with your addiction but it will help you with just life in general and since we are constantly learning and experiencing new feelings that we must revert back to our knowledge of certain steps to continue to move forward with our lives, because without moving forward we become stagnant and complacent and that is when we are most vulnerable to use. Always remember you are not alone, those feelings of hopelessness, despair, anger , resentment, inadequacy; iv'e had all those and many more but I found a way to relieve myself of their burden and you can to. Alone I can't but together we can. I'm gonna pray for the still sick and suffering addict out there and the babies born to this insidious disease. Who woke me up today? My God as I understand you, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Keep coming back cause it works if you work it so work it your worth it don't die just live.
Denis G
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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:17 am

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