lost myself

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lost myself

Unread postby timetotryagain » Thu Jan 05, 2017 4:06 pm

i had 7 years of sobriety and then my mom passed forcing me to finally accept the death of my father that id been putting off and finding out i have a rare heart condition thats slowly killing me... ive never wanted to go back so badly. i did. ive stopped but i broke and was gone for a week. i feel like a failure and a fool my wife cant look at me the same and my kids are too young to know... but i know and its burning in me. i need help and advice.

Re: lost myself

Unread postby springer90x » Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:40 pm

I know how you feel, it is so hard to deal with anything without thinking about the one thing that helped you through so much stuff, but in the end only made it worse. drugs do not help your problems they only let you forget about them for a while. Then, when you find yourself again you will have even more problems than before. If you cannot do it for yourself do it for your family.
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