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open addiction meetings

Unread postPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:43 pm
by mrstroup
as an addict with 31 years clean ,we at abinton baptist church and willow grove baptist church are hosting meeting at our churches,2 wed meetings at abc,the 2nd wed and the 4th wed and the 4th willow grove baptist,we have had turrnout and the meetings are growing,cross talk is allowed because it is open discussion.we are ministers that have a heart for the lost as we ourselves ,know we have to surrender every day to our lord .meeting times again,2nd wed 7pm,4th wed 12 noon,willow grove baptist time is once a month at 7 pm ,the meet at willow grovethe 3rd thurs every monthplease call us for more details chap rande at abc 215 301 1437,leave message and call pinki at wgbc 215 284 9546 please leave message ,we pray to see you at our meeting sites remember one day at a time it works prayers for all who stuggle