help with relapsing

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help with relapsing

Unread postby whyme » Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:26 pm

I had a few years clean and was doing great. Was gettin my life in order and cleaning up the mess it was in and things were looking great. I finally had a lot of good things going for me and my life was in order. One of my biggest goals finally happend and a second was on its way,,,,,,,then i relapsed, and have been having minor weekyly or biweekly relapses and dont know how to stop them from happening in this frequency. I dont want to loos what i have. I also have hurt my sister who is my best friend and she is at the point she almost no longer wants me in her life and does not want to go thru it all again. I am lost here i was doing so great for such a long time, then bam and im in this cycle and dont know where to go or how to stop it before it gets out of control like it was before. Going into a rehab program is not feesable due to some very big proirties i have in my life where i need to be working to have the money for these prioities and responsiblities.
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Re: help with relapsing

Unread postby Guest » Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:20 am

What did you do the first time you stop using? Do the same thing again this time. DON'T WAIT. Do it now. And if you don't remember what you did, go to a meeting before work and after work. It's a first step, then you'll figure it out with your sponsor or your physician or your therapist. Don't talk about it, DO IT.

Re: help with relapsing

Unread postby smp » Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:45 am

Dear Whyme,
You didn"t mention how you got clean and sober the last time, but I also suggest you do the same thing this time. for me the only way so far I have gotten sober and stayed sober is with AA. It took me a while to get it, meaning I was drinking every few weeks, but now I have 10 months sober, and feel better than I ever have in my entire life. I have found the fellowship in AA so supportive, and have found a great sponsor, and have learned ways to not drink. I did try a few different meetings until I found one I was comfortable with. Now I can't imagine how I lived before. Never imagined I could be this happy, not that my life is easy, actually I have several very good reasons to drink. Drinking though never helped solve any of my problems, just temporarily numbed the pain, and eventually made the problems worse... Best of luck, you have nothing to lose going to an AA meeting. S

Re: help with relapsing

Unread postby subculture » Sun Aug 02, 2009 5:30 pm

Hey Whyme.
I understand what you are going through although you are a lot better than me. I never survived years of sobriety merely months. What I do know and what I have learned in my brief 29 yrs on this planet is this. A brain of an addict is very complicated. We are very bright people but what we lack is the memory of horrors that we went through. You see, we tend to forget how bad we had it. Especially when things are going great for us we start slipping. We think to ourselves that things are going great and that we have things under control. Basically the addiction is saying to us: come on!! You can do a hit, pop the pill, have a beer. Some people such as yourself and myself start off slowly. The whole ordeal starts off slowly on the weekly or byweekly regiment such as you have described. Surely shortly after we spin into the old habits of everyday use. If you don't want to loose what you have worked so hard for for the past few years you have to make a decision now. Meetings are the best way. Always be concius of your addiction because it will never leave you. It is terminal disease such as cancer. The distinct difference is that cancer you can sometimes beat but in majority of cases you will die from it. The addiction is a disease which we can arrest or stop. It will always be there but we can contol it. Of course we need weapons. These include NA meetings, avoiding old friends that we did drugs with, places that we did drugs in. Also you have to learn to like yourself. That is something I still struggle with. I am not comfortable in my own skin. I have a habit of suboxone at this point. I went to the AA meeting for a while but I relapsed and have not come back yet. My mind is playing tricks on me as well. We both need the meetings. I hope you make a right decision. What I know is: THE QUICKER WE STOP THE BETTER OFF WE ARE... GOOD LUCK. Sincerely Greg.
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