addict daughter and husband

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addict daughter and husband

Unread postby jz62 » Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:35 pm

We took our 19 yr old daughter to rehab last we after and intervention. She is still say she is not a drug addict. We told her if she did not get help she could not come home. She has told me her older sisters and young brother we are dead to her. She is still talking to my husband,her father. Am I wrong in feeling that he should not be speaking to her when she calls him. I am afraid that she will not get the message if we do not all stick together on the same page. I feel that if he is nice and helpful to her she will never change and get help. And yes he is an enabler.
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Re: addict daughter and husband

Unread postby abclimo » Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:41 pm

Hi and welcome. It's important that she talk to her family because she has to deal with what her addiction has done to all of you. The fact that she's still saying she is not an addict is a problem. Until she can actually admit that she has a problem, she will not deal with it. It's important that you all stick to what you told her at the intervention and not enable her further. I know it's not easy, but enabling her, will not help her in any way. As a group, you all have a lot to deal with and need to all be on the same page, if she feels she can divide you, she will. Have you gone to any meetings? You can either go to Al-anon or to NA meetings and it will help you through this because you'll be able to hear others speak of their experiences. I will pray for strength for you and your family during this difficult time, please keep posting, we do care.
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