High when the kids are home!

This forum is for family and friends of people who are addicted to drugs
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High when the kids are home!

Unread postby July29 » Thu May 05, 2016 8:22 pm

My husband and I have been together for 20 years, and married for 10. We have 2 amazing little girls, that are extremely smart. Before we got married I found out my husband was smoking crack. I called off the wedding. I mean I already had paid a hall and people were asking why I didn't mail the invitations. He went to rehab, stopped drinking and everything. Started going to church and worked very hard at gaining my families forgiveness. They never knew about the drugs, just thought it was to much drinking. As time went on he started having a beer here and there, then it just slowly grew. I found out this past July that he's on coke and has been for more than 3 years. I even came home from work to realize that he was getting high instead of helping our Girls with their homework. He almost acts as though he should be aloud to spend $500 a month on Coke, cause he works hard. On top of it he tells me if I leave he will get it together to spite me and he controls it. HELP!
I also hate myself for loving him and staying. I adore the way the Girls look at him and don't want them to grow up in a broken house. Much like you I could never provide for them alone the way he can. If we go separate ways he'll be a hero and I'll be the drill sergeant. Mom's get stuck with dirty rooms, chores, home work and Dad's get trips to amusement parks, mini golf, ice cream for dinner.
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Re: High when the kids are home!

Unread postby kyasurin » Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:11 pm

I know this message is old, but I hope you left him. I am the child of an addicted father. Though your children may side with him while they are young, they will see it when they grow up. They will appreciate you. It is worth the struggle. It hurts more to try to hold together a broken family. Tell them the truth, but do not try to push them to view him any certain way. Be open, but let them have their own feelings. Doing what is best for them while staying neutral is the best thing that you can do.
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