where do i start?

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where do i start?

Unread postby marie » Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:18 am

I know i am an alchoholi. How and where to start. That is my question. I messed up my family and lost my 30 year marriage. Because, i am a failure. I want to turn my life around. I am so tired of being lonely and drunk.

Re: where do i start?

Unread postby robertoZ » Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:05 pm

Go to a meeting and say there what you wrote here. People there will guide you step by step :)
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Re: where do i start?

Unread postby abclimo » Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:30 am

Marie: Welcome! It's important to start going to meetings. You'll find so many people there who have been down the road before you and are willing to help you. We're all very hard on ourselves in the beginning. You shouldn't view yourself as a failure. We are all people with a disease (yes, it's a sickness) of addiction. It's important to also find out what causes us to drink or do drugs. Sometimes it goes much deeper than you can imagine. I found that through journaling I was seeing a pattern of what was causing me to be in active addiction. Also when I journal and put it down on paper, I can get a much better perspective and see that sometimes I might be making it much worse in my head than it really was. Sometimes its also helpful to talk to a therapist, one who deals in addictions. They can help you uncover what else might be going on. These are just suggestions, you will have to decide what feels right to you. You have taken the first step by admitting that you don't want to be on that roadway anymore, good for you! Keep going, you can do this, and tell yourself you are worth it.
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Re: where do i start?

Unread postby dianevrt » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:55 am

welcome marie, My suggestion to you would be detoxing through whatever means you have avaiable to you,if you have not yet done so, followed by meetings,also a sponser or atleast a temporary sponser.In my addiction i came to the relization that i could not do this alone after an addiction that spand over 15yrs that broke me mentally, physically,spritually and fiancially.Inpatient was definitely an opition for me,but may not be for some.Today i use the tool that have been passed on and suggested to me by those who have came before me.It works if you work it. By the grace of god I have remained clean and sober for 7yrs and 4 months now and have a wonderful life,also remarried and will be celebrating my 1yr anniversary on oct 23, 2011.Iam living proof that anything is possibile if you want it bad enough.I wish you all the best marie in this journey call recovery,It does work

Re: where do i start?

Unread postby Guest » Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:10 am

hi marie,start going to meetings and sharing with people there what is going on with yu,don't be afraid or nerous about it,they are ther to help.wishing you the very best!

Re: where do i start?

Unread postby Paige » Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:41 am

Hi Marie,

If it is possible I would advise you go through some kind of rehab program. I was unemployed in Western PA with no health insurance and was able to go to outpatient rehab nearly free of charge. It helped me tremendously and today I have over two years sobriety. I wish you the best.

Re: where do i start?

Unread postby abclimo » Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:22 am

Marie: If you don't have insurance and want to get sober, don't let that stop you. Call a rehab facility and they will help you to fill out paperwork for medical assistance and/or County funding. Most counties have a drug and alcohol commission that has funding available to help people to get clean/sober. And it's much quicker approval for county funding than waiting for medical assistance. The county funding could help you get started and if you are approved for medical assistance, that will then kick in and provide your medical benefits. Both will pay for inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, visits to a therapist, a psychiatrist and depending on your income, it will have prescription benefits if the psychiatrist decides you need meds. All of that is done in confidence and they are not allowed to discuss anything like that with anyone but you unless you tell them who it is ok to talk to about it. It's also very non-judgemental because many of those people working there have been through what we are going through. Please look into a rehab and get the help you need. You have taken the first step by admitting that you need help and that's so important, you deserve credit for that. good luck on your journey and keep posting, We do care how you are doing and hope you continue in your healing.
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Re: where do i start?

Unread postby navysteve95 » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:18 am

Where are you located?

Re: where do i start?

Unread postby Tryingtogetsober10 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:48 pm

I'm addicted to opiates and diet pills. I basically started taking them because I felt tired all the time and have bad pains in my legs. I don't have medical insurance. I usually take anywhere between 15mg to 30mg of percocet, morphine, or oxicotin a day. Usually take a 35mg diet pill mid day to keep me alert and focused. I have depression problems as well as anxiety. I just want to be happy, energetic in the healthy way. Im afraid it may lead to something bigger because drug abuse runs in my family. Besides the diet pills and opiates i may take a 20mg adderall if I dont have any of the others and used to smoke pot but thats all ive tried. I just don't know where to start
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Re: where do i start?

Unread postby Aacollege » Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:37 pm

Better late than never.

Re: where do i start?

Unread postby Alexandria_88 » Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:45 pm

My name s Alexandria I'm 23 n i have had a prob with alcohol n drugs start at 13 n at first it was
Fun n games now i drink n do cocaine when get lil upset or Iam bored or pissed off
But i can't learn when to stop i just drink n drink n then use cocaine i spent 700 I'n 6 hours on cocaine .
Iam scard n want do better n learn to say no n stop but don't know how to
I feel ashamed of myself Bc i have beautiful lil four year old boy n He deserve
A better mommy then me going out party but the other problem
Is my family n friends party n do same stuff n my mom a bad alcoholic .. I got so depressed
And have thought of hurting myself Bc it feel like only way out ..
I just need know where to begin someone Plz help me ..
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Re: where do i start?

Unread postby abclimo » Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:20 pm

Trying to get Sober and Alexandria: Hi and welcome! You have both admitted that you have a problem, that's a big first step. Next, you need to take steps to get it all under control. If rehab is an option for you, I really suggest that you contact a rehab, even if you don't have insurance. The facility can help you with financial assistance programs or applying for county or state aid to help with your stay. It's really important to get help before you end up where you can never return from. Detoxing is not fun or easy, but it's awesome once it's over. After that, you need to find some meetings and attend. If you don't like the first meeting you go to, find a different one, all meetings are not the same. After you have been going to meetings for a little while, find someone at one of the meetings that you feel you can talk to, openly and honestly. Ask that person to be your sponsor, if they say no, don't get discouraged, ask someone else that you trust. Keep going to meetings and get telephone lists, call someone or several people from those lists before you use and you will have temptations to use. Sometimes even when you have some decent clean time behind you, a temptation will appear out of nowhere and it'll take you totally by surprise. My best to all of you just starting out, it's a journey that will bring you happiness.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:20 pm.
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