In need of hugs

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In need of hugs

Unread postby amber13569 » Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:24 pm

I'm an alcoholic and am only 27. The amount of trouble it has caused me is not even right. I have been in trouble with the law and have lost friends over it and its affecting my health. I am home all day alone and its so hard to not go get beer and hide it from my fiance. I am been in the hospital for things pertaining to it. Today is my first day sober in a few weeks but before that I was sober for 46 days, seemed like my life was getting back on track AND bam, I thought I could just have a couple and that is a lie I've been telling myself for too long. Ugh but this withdrawal feeling is so scary, I've always had the mentality that ya bite the dog that bit ya, so if you wake up feeling the shakes and like crap, drink a beer and itll go away. well that may be, but when I drink one, I'll drink twenty. Got through so far today without drinking one, but ugh its rough.
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Re: In need of hugs

Unread postby empty516 » Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:17 pm

So how are you making out so far, Amber? Are you still clean?

Re: In need of hugs

Unread postby marthaa3 » Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:18 pm

Hi In need of hugs :D,
Here are many ways to help yourself stay sober and in control.
I would suggest a few things that help me.
Realize that what you're going through is an illness. Don't feel bad about yourself.
Hold your head up high and remember that you are a worthwhile individual that has something to contribute in this life.
Concentrate on the positive things in your life.
Have a mantra that you can quote each and every time negative thoughts arise. Mine is "I have a winning hand" (as in cards).
Share what you are going through with your fiance. Don't shut him out, be embarrassed or think he may love you less.
Good luck and hold your head up high.
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