Vacation time Oh no!!

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Vacation time Oh no!!

Unread postby Andrea » Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:25 am

I'm in outpatient treatment for alcohol for a month now but due to summer and responsibilities I go away a lot. I attend the treatment 3/4 days then off 3/4 days. it still has been very helpful. I have been sober for most of the time. by that I mean I did cheat and have one beer on a couple of different occasions. I was able to stop after one. I have also drank a couple of non alcoholic beer/ wine, I have learned that the choice to drink/relapse starts in the mind first so these beverages do not help in that sense. My question is how do I not drink while on vacation with spouse, grown kids and 4 grandkids( 10 yrs and under) I am usually a very responsible person. N ormal day on vacation would beach time during the day with a Happy hour in the afternoon. Then dinner with after dinner drinks. 8pm head up to the boardwalk for a few hours come back put the kids to bed and have grown-up time playing cards/games of curse with drinks and snacks. This time period is my hardest. In the pass I would tend to drink too much as the night progressed. I feel I can get through a few nites of these but I am going to cave in.. Should I bring those non alcoholic beers???
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Re: Vacation time Oh no!!

Unread postby Phoebe34 » Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:52 pm

I'm sorry to say that you are flirting with disaster. One drink here and there and tempting yourself with "non-alcoholic" beers. If the pm card time is the hardest, why don't you find a mtg instead. Easier said than done, so all the best.
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