Painkiller Addiction

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Painkiller Addiction

Unread postby Lifeguardforlife1987 » Wed Jun 12, 2019 11:24 pm

Hi, I'm new to this group and I decided to join because I'm physically addicted to Oxycodone. I have been on and off if it due to having 16 left ankle surgeries, Spinal Cord Stimulator done, 3 Left knee surgeries, 1 right knee surgery and sprains and breaks in between and severe Neuropathic Pain Syndrome.
But, I'm pain free and trying to wean off the oxys and I'm having a hard time with because I'm still having the pain from my Neuropathic Pain Syndrome that gets so bad that my mom who is a nurse has to take me to Lehigh Cedar Crest and they give me a ketamine infusion and it somehow resets the Nervous System. My only issue with me trying to get off the meds is me having these horrible Neuropathic flare ups. I thought I finally got over them because I was on such a high dose of Lyrica that we thought that was the cause. Im back to having them again but I'm thinking it's due to all the stress of my daddy recently dying, having to find a new job due to me working for my disabled father, now being evicted and baving to move and the list goes on.
Can someone please help me? I really need to get off of these and I need a plan b for detox because I lost my insurance and I don't have many meds left to get off so I'm not sure what else you can take to make it alittle mkre easier.
Someone please help I'm at a loss.
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Joined: Wed Jun 12, 2019 8:15 pm

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