Just Getting Started Admitting My Problem

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Just Getting Started Admitting My Problem

Unread postby jststartin » Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:38 pm

I have learned that I have a problem drinking. I have wrestled with it for some time and feel it has taken a lot of my young life from me. I don't think I'm completely unlike others in their twenties who are social and professional except that I am unable to start once I stop (frequently); have missed work; and drink alone. I have comorbid depression, ADD, and generalized anxiety disorder. I am done with this cycle which has robed me of hope and personal/professional maturation and development. I'm ready to start but am uncertain where I should begin. Are there any meetings in Center City Philadelphia where professionals or young professionals get together?

Unread postby Guest » Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:24 am

Hi jststartin,
First off, kudos to you. What kind of meetings are you looking for? AA meetings in Center City?

Unread postby Guest » Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:03 pm

try lexa-pro, that will calm you down.

give up on going out with your friends to drink, that leads nowhere.

Unread postby Guest » Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:52 am

I agree with lexapro, but "give up on going out with your friends to drink" is easy to say... You're asking for a complete change of lifestyle, and this doesn't happen in a day.

Unread postby Guest » Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:54 pm

I am prescribed to Prozac, Adderall and Konoplin. I tried Lexapro and found that it had some undesired sideffects and wasn't as helpful as I had hoped. It true that it is easier said than done to not go out with friends. Unfortunately a lot of folks my age go out and that is the social scene. I am a very social person and cannot get couped up in tbe apartment. Its that adventure-seeking mentality that sometimes leads to problems. Also, I have done some drinking alone which is what concerns me. While it is true that trying to plan more constructive activites with friends is a good idea, sometimes its easier said than done when young adults/professionals get together to socialize and network.

I was thinking about asking my doctor for a prescription of Antabuse. has anyone taken this?

In response to the question, I am looking specifically work an AA group where there ar likely to be young professionals in Center City.

Unread postby Guest » Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:54 pm

There are tons of medications out there, and sometimes it takes a while until you find what's right for you. It could be a frustrating but useful process.

As soon as there's a get together (young or old professionals, college students, etc.), booze is involved. It hurts everybody, but this is part of the western culture. They ban smokers from bars, but they don't ban alcoholics.

Antabuse: I've heard scary and crazy stuff about it like "Patients should be warned to avoid alcohol in disguised form, i.e., in sauces, vinegars, cough and cold mixtures, and even aftershave lotions. They should also be warned that reactions may occur with alcohol up to 14 days after ingestion of disulfiram." I'm curious to hear about people on antabuse.

AA being open to everybody, I'm not sure if there are some meetings geared toward young professionals. Would anybody on this board have any suggestions?

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