loving life....

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loving life....

Unread postby annabell lee » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:43 pm

I am coming up on 90 days!! i have my diabetes under control, working and mending relationships. I have been trying to get sober for almost 4 years now. I never believed it when ppl said that when ur sober good things happen. I always made excuses why i didn't wanna go to meetings or be involved with ne program and it was because I was not done. I cannot express how grateful I am to have me. I cut the ppl, places and things at times I am lonely but I then think would i rather be lonely or in a room full of selfish people???? The fog is slowly starting to lift and I am setting boundaries that make me happy when it comes to others not whats gonna make them happy. I can actually sit and be comfortable with myself. I accept my issues and actually try and do something about them I go to coda mtgs, aa mtgs and na mtgs. I go to iop 2x a wk, also I see a therapist 2x a wk. I volunteer at a library. Sometimes I do get frustrated bc I think I am not a normal 24 yr old they r all out having fun and so on. That's not true... I am me and what makes me happy is my normal. Idk if that made ne sense but my thoughts today.. when i think about using its not a desire or obsession its wow if i was still using I wouldnt be able to be running around like this or have money to do ne thing and i do today its awesome I AM GETTING ME BACK i just need a sponsor
annabell lee
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Re: loving life....

Unread postby Anonymous One » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:10 pm

I am where you are right now, I was so inspired by your words, I am a mean bad drunk, but otherwise a good person. I need some help, and thought the same thing, but you are quite right and thank you
Anonymous One

Re: loving life....

Unread postby sonyalee » Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:30 pm

i can relate to how you feel. Im just coming back from a relapse, and just completed a program. Also in doing the program , i have accomplished permanent housing. I am so grateful for giving myself a second chance at life.(sobriety). life is beautiful, thanks to the n.a. program and the sponsors that i have to help me in my recovery.I cant do this by myslf. In this process I have lost my mom, to this deadly disease of addiction. But they tell u that no matter what u dont have to use. It wouldnt help ,none any way. so now I am on my way to philadelphia to visit my grandma, havent seen her since the funeral and also found some meetings around her way. THANK-GOD for recovery!!!!

Re: loving life....

Unread postby JenniBabi097 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:38 am

Heyy, Im new to this site... I related to your post and I am almost 2 and a half months and I know exactly what you mean when you say Im finally getting me back... Im almost there just have to get a job. Im lonely at times to but the people I was spending time with before werent friends, we knew eachother before we got high while we got high and now we dont speak. Im on probation and my po and she made me start coming 3 days a week and Im honestly happy about it now! :D Im not going to say there arent times I think about doing something but I dont and I am down to one day a week at probation so its not just that. Its nice to go out and do stuff, I love the summer! Im happy for you and continue doing well!! I didnt go to meetings but I was thinking about starting to go. Congrats on 4 years!!
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Re: loving life....

Unread postby Phreethought » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:54 pm

This is my first post here. I figured I would an existing thread rather than start my own topic.

I need help quitting a drug that is making me feel horrible, and yet I cannot stop myself from consuming it. How can my brain be wired in such a dysfunctional way?
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Re: loving life....

Unread postby Graham » Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:37 am

Hi Annabell lee,
Glad that you have controlled your diabetes and loving your life. Your post will motivate and help those who have diabetes and looking for healthy and loving life. Certainly you were exercising regularly with diet meals but I will be kind if you will share how you have controlled your diabetes so it will be of great help for diabetic people.
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Re: loving life....

Unread postby kethy » Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:38 am

I have accomplished permanent housing. I am so grateful for giving myself a second chance at life I think life is beautiful and thanks to the TV channel and Indus program that sponsors that I have to help me in my recovery because due to vacations I lost my memories and forget all ideas that I need to continue this show so now I am happy and spend loving life.
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Re: loving life....

Unread postby mmwork » Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:41 am

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