New and in need of help

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New and in need of help

Unread postby Guest » Mon May 23, 2011 4:37 am

Hi my name is Carla and I am and alcoholic. I learned this very clearly last night when I almost died from alcohol poisoning. It was like I was saved by a miracle. I am still here byt the grace of my Higher Power. I need help. This is my first day I have not had a drink. I want to get well. I don't want to ruin whatever I have in the future by drinking away my problems. They just seem to be there in the morning. Night time is hardest for me. If there is anyone that lives in the Philadelphia area and could chat or call me that would be amazing. I also need to find a meeting. I am hopeful I can do this.

Re: New and in need of help

Unread postby Chuckless » Mon May 23, 2011 8:54 am

Hi Carla, my name is Chuck. I am going through the same thing as you. For the past month I have been trying to cut back on my drinking. I have been doing OK until the weekends and then boy do I slip. So today is once again my first day of sobriety. Although I looked sober yesterday, I snuck a few beers in the afternoon. Know that you are not alone on this journey.
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Re: New and in need of help

Unread postby terri » Tue May 24, 2011 11:41 am

Hi Carla, I ended up in the hospital the other night. I just moved here for a job and was very upset and drank too much. There are other underlying issues which I have been under strain handling. Today is Day 3 for me. I am moving to Ridley Park and looked for meetings on the internet. I found three during the week. Hang in there! God is there for us. It was through a Higher Power that I am alive. I also know and admitted that I have a problem. That is first big step.

Re: New and in need of help

Unread postby freeme » Tue May 31, 2011 1:36 pm

Dear Carla,

I too have been having problems controling my drinking. Every weekend I say "keep it under control this time" sometimes I do and but most times I dont. It is like a toss of the dice each time I drink. The other week I actually got off the train in a really bad North Philly area after midnight alone with $300 cash in my wallet! Was lucky a cab happened to be passing. All trains were done for the night and a group of thugs were yelling at me. Hang in there we are all much better off being sober.

Re: New and in need of help

Unread postby Nate » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:27 am

Good afternoon Carla,
I am an alcoholic named Nate and I have done this and many other things that you have said and are thinking of. Today is day 505 of continuous sobriety and I am sober today by the grace of my higher power and the identification of another Alcoholic. I attend a meeting every night and my suggestion is use this website to find a meeting where ever you live and talk to someone not online. :D

Re: New and in need of help

Unread postby stilldoingit » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:22 pm

Carla, hang in there, make meetings and get phone numbers, email, text, anything and anyway you can talk to somebody before you drink, remember, before you drink. this is really important because nobody wants to talk to a drunk, but us AA's do love drunks don't drink, don't think and make a meeting
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Re: New and in need of help

Unread postby irish » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:19 pm

Hey Carla Hope your doing good.Try To Attend meetings and pray to your higher power and be positive. Where Are Youin Philly? Good luck. Your friend Irish. I also live in Philly.
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Re: New and in need of help

Unread postby Ups&Downs » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:07 am

I hope there is someone out there that can help. I had a dui last year and got a ard. The problem is I have no job to pay for the classes I need to go to rehab.
If i can get there will I go to jail.
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Re: New and in need of help

Unread postby abclimo » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:44 am

Ups and Downs and anyone else who needs the help, but has no insurance: Contact a detox/rehab center, and admit that you need help. I know that the counties have funding available to pay for people who need these programs, also, if you have no job and depending on your income, you can get medical assistance to pay for your stay and the detox/rehab center can help you with all that paperwork so it is not so overwhelming. If you cannot find a detox/rehab in your area, go into the nearest emergency room and admit that you have a problem, and they will help you also. You have admitted that you have a problem and want to get past it, now, put your plan into action. You can do this, and you are definitely worth it. Good luck in your new pathway, you will find a much better life. Hugs
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Re: New and in need of help

Unread postby robertoZ » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:01 pm

A number of midnight meetings are available.
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Re: New and in need of help

Unread postby Guest » Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:43 pm

Ups&Downs wrote:
> I hope there is someone out there that can help. I had a dui last year and
> got a ard. The problem is I have no job to pay for the classes I need to go
> to rehab.
> If i can get there will I go to jail.

I dont know how to post on here yet, so I hope i'm doing this right. If you go to any hospital ER that has a crisis center, they will get you admitted into a detox/rehab that night, or next morning. I've done that twice now and the 8th was six months sober for me. Good luck to you.

Re: New and in need of help

Unread postby L1veL1fe89 » Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:46 am

Hey there,
Im really a coke addict but then i started to drink to cover up the fact that i was high. and now its hit a breaking point.
for me its getting through the weekends sober that will be hard, im at day 5 but really i havent started because the real test for me will be going the weekend with out drinking or coke. so i have lined up meetings on my days off. I also live in the philly area.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:46 am.
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