the threat is real ....

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the threat is real ....

Unread postby liberateme » Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:07 am

Hello to anyone reading this I've know for a long time I had a problem finally realized it and did something about it I was sober almost 30 days but tonight temptation roared its ugly head and snagged me into its clutches. I drank and drank a lot I'm starting to sober up a bit as I write this and I want to kick myself in the ass. Maybe I can't do this on my own... I thought I could hell I quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey 8 plus years ago with no help .... why can't I not drink? I know my grandfather died because of alcohol why does that not phase me where are the urges to drink coming from. There is no chemical addiction to alcohol but why does it have this hold on me?
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Re: the threat is real ....

Unread postby JenniBabi097 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:56 am

Heyy, Im sorry that you are having a hard time but you cant beat yourself up it happens to the best of us!! If we didnt fall down sometimes we would never get back up, just think of the thoughts you had last nite next time your get a urge and also go to a meeting or call a friend, I never did the meetings but was thinking about it I dank took pills U name it I did it. My father died from alcohol and after he died all I did was drink every day morning till night I never understood that. I dont have internet at home but you can write me whenever you need to, Im going on 2 and a half months now and I dont talk to alot of my friends anymore well thats why there not my friends so I know its hard doing it alone If you could admit you needed to stop and stop for 30 days and feel how u did then you are very storng, shit you quit smoking!! My father had lung cancer to and Im still smoking.. If i can quit drugs I should be able to quit smoking! But I will it all takes time!!! keep your head up!!
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Re: the threat is real ....

Unread postby Rainspa » Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:54 pm

You might need some new information about alcohol and alcoholism.

Alcohol is a chemical and you can get addicted to it.

Alcoholism is a disease; a physical addiction of the body, and a mental obsession of the mind. Mentally, Alcoholism will tell you that you can drink like normal people, that THIS TIME it will be ok, and that you can quit anytime you want.

Some people that are heavy drinkers can quit if they have a good enough reason.

Alcoholics quit drinking ALL THE TIME. They just can't stay quit.
If you can't drink only two drinks a day (and only two), or if you quit, and find yourself drinking again, you might be an alcoholic. There is a test on the AA website.

If you are an Alcoholic, I suggest going to an AA meeting, buying the book "Alcoholics Anonymous" and following the directions on the first 164 pages.

It has worked for a lot of people, maybe you too.

Good Luck

Re: the threat is real ....

Unread postby BklynChik » Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:48 am


Have you been working the steps and going to meetings? Admitting you have a problem is the first step and takes a lot of courage. Part of being an alcoholic though is identifying why we drink and starting to work on our personality flaws. From what I'm learning this can only be done through working the steps with a sponsor.

Do you have a sponsor? This is key as well.

And Rainspa is right--it is a disease and there's definitely a physical component to this! If you take a look at the Big Book, it talks about it being an allergy. Read "The Doctor's Opinion", it might give you some additional insight.
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Re: the threat is real ....

Unread postby intuit » Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:04 am

liberateme wrote:
> Hello to anyone reading this I've know for a long time I had a problem
> finally realized it and did something about it I was sober almost 30 days
> but tonight temptation roared its ugly head and snagged me into its
> clutches. I drank and drank a lot I'm starting to sober up a bit as I write
> this and I want to kick myself in the ass. Maybe I can't do this on my
> own... I thought I could hell I quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey 8 plus
> years ago with no help .... why can't I not drink? I know my grandfather
> died because of alcohol why does that not phase me where are the urges to
> drink coming from. There is no chemical addiction to alcohol but why does
> it have this hold on me?
hello you have some very good advice here YES go to meetings ,meetings,meetings you will soon find new people to talk with and to pick new friends.My old friends that choose not to call me well "sucks to be them" I am the last to know that I am an alcoholic those old friends are the last to know I am a grateful alcoholic now.I do very much enjoy going to meetings and seeing other people like me,it helped me like myself."keep the plug in the jug" take care i wish 24hrs2 all
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Re: the threat is real ....

Unread postby ROSES2012 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:39 pm

Hey - how the hell can i email people on this site like for chatting??
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Re: the threat is real ....

Unread postby Bummed » Sun May 06, 2012 10:30 am

I too went out last night and could not stop drinking until I became drunk. I need to go to a meeting and ask for help. Why is it so hard to ask for help?

Re: the threat is real ....

Unread postby hannvli » Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:07 am

If you take a look at the Big Book, it talks about it being an allergy. Read "The Doctor's Opinion", it might give you some additional insight...

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