I'm new to this...But ready!

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I'm new to this...But ready!

Unread postby KLK » Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:54 pm

I am new to this but I need to make changes to my life.....I know I have a problem....I'm lonely and turn to this to hide my lonliness....I'm very sad about getting to this point. :(
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Re: I'm new to this...But ready!

Unread postby Livlifeagain » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:18 am

John, Good for you in taking this very important step! I KNOW how hard this, I just started 3 weeks ago- saying NO to alcohol. The first two weeks were difficult in that without being drunk, I was clear-minded, and able to think about all the damage my drinking had done to those I love. It was hard to accept responsibility. I had plenty of good reasons to drink, and drinking kept in denial that regardless of those good reasons, including loneliness, drinking to excess was not acceptable. Like you, I'm also very lonely. I dread going to be alone, usually I'd be too drunk, passing out into a deep slumber. I know the consequences of being with someone for the sole purpose of being lonely. I have nothing left to do but just take one day, and night, at a time. ONe thing that really helped me is that I made a list of all the things I like to do- hiking, kayaking, reading, exercising, gardening, painting...the list goes on. I stopped doing all these things because I was too drunk to enjoy them, I was also sleeping a lot, who had time for all that? Now I do it all, and truly enjoy it~ I just bought anew paint-by-numbers kit, I know it sounds silly, but really, I can't wait to start it. Also, go to the meetings. You will make new friends, and there will be plenty of people at the meeting who will become your new friends, and will be available to talk to you during those times you feel alone. Hang in there, I promise you there is a better way of living, once you find it, you'll never look back! Christine
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Re: I'm new to this...But ready!

Unread postby bklynchi » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:11 pm

Welcome John! You've just made the first step, way to go!

Christine is right... get to a meeting. Find one in your area that you like and that you feel comfortable in. Also, get a temporary sponsor. It's so important to have support during the first few days.

You're not alone. We're all lonely, we all have character defects. This program does work if you work it.

Keep coming back!

Re: I'm new to this...But ready!

Unread postby BklynChik » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:40 pm

Welcome! It's great that you've taken this first step.

As Christine mentions, it's important to find a meeting. I would also get a temporary sponsor. It's so important to not go at this alone.

Know that you're not alone, not in your thoughts either. Many alcoholics are lonely, that's why we drink! You're doing the right thing...

Keep coming back! :)
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Re: I'm new to this...But ready!

Unread postby focus1475 » Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:16 pm

Short and sweet. Go to a meeting! It's very cool, that you took the hardest step, the first one, admitting that there is a problem. Go to an AA meeting. I told my story, and I have done awful things man, and nobody judged me, or did anything other than offer advice. The people at AA have been right where you are, but at the same time, won't play the expert, and boss you around.
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Re: I'm new to this...But ready!

Unread postby Guest » Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:01 am

KLK wrote:
> I am new to this but I need to make changes to my life.....I know I have a
> problem....I'm lonely and turn to this to hide my lonliness....I'm very sad
> about getting to this point.Welcome, you have taken the very first step towards recovering admitting there's a problem.Dont kick yourself so hard you have taken a big step towards changing,very proud!

Re: I'm new to this...But ready!

Unread postby dianevrt@gmail.com » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:25 pm

KLK wrote:
> I am new to this but I need to make changes to my life.....I know I have a
> problem....I'm lonely and turn to this to hide my lonliness....I'm very sad
> about getting to this point. :(
Welcome,you have made the first biggest and hardest step toward recovering,be proud what lyes ahead is priceless

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