Getting through the do i do it?

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Getting through the do i do it?

Postby L1veL1fe89 » Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:36 pm

I am a coke addict and i started to drink to cover up that i was high.
But its game over now.
Me and my husband need to recover.
We plain on going to meetings on are days off.
But we fear that talking about are addiction will just make us want it more.
I can say that today is "Day 5" but really only after the weekend will it be "week 1" beause its those weekends that kill us.
Friday is payday. we go get some because we know we can, then stay up for two days. it gets really bad.
I dont think we can recover alone.
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby deb992 » Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:28 pm

I have tried for many years to get clean. And yes weekend are the worst still. I have now accumulated 6 months in NA. I have a sponsor and a support network. Talking about it in the rooms of NA help. Because ppl will reach out and be there for you on those hard weekends to talk you through it... and just be there. It makes a world of difference. I thought for so long I could do this on my own. How wrong I was. It is a Just for Today program and all you have to do is stay clean JUST FOR TODAY... or even just for the next hour.. or the next 15 minutes. People truly relate and understand.
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby L1veL1fe89 » Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:04 pm

Thank you so much for you feeback. it means alot to me. Im really looking forword to my first meeting.
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby robertoZ » Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:45 am

Let's say you get done work Friday around 5ish. There lots of meetings that meet right after work (5:30 or 6pm). If you cant make it that early, attend a 7pm, 8pm meeting. Then hang out and talk with people after the meeting. Tag along if they go to a diner. They'll likely invite you. Then attend a 10pm meeting and midnight meeting. I mean, you partied all night right? So by the time you get home from the midnight meeting it'll be 1am or so. Time for bed. Start over again on Saturday 8am, or 10am or 11am or noon. Ask everyone you meet if you can have their phone number. Then if you find yourself struggling, call any of them. Tell them about it. You'll be doing them a favor, reminding them why they stay clean, what they have to look forward to if they slip, and they'll give you hope, and strength. Keeping doing that everyday for as long as you wish to remain sober. It works. Guaranteed!
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby L1veL1fe89 » Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:41 am

I will have to try it. thanks :wink:
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby L1veL1fe89 » Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:12 pm

im at day ten and feeling great. I stared working step one and im on my way! woohoo!
thanks everyone for your advice, it really helped
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby abclimo » Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:37 am

Livelife: Congrats on making it to day 10, woo hoo! I'm so excited to see that you are working your steps, that's huge. Keep going, you can do this!
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby robertoZ » Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:37 pm

Keep doing what you're doing. Nice work :)
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby jennahigh » Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:12 pm

i find it hard on the weekends also my husband an alcohlic and we both have addiction to crack also we were clean for so long and them over the weekend a friend of ares came over and it started by asking my husband then i was drinking it was easy to talk me into that im so worried i messed up are bank accounts and called them this am and admitted that i had a problem are account are froze and not sure whats going to happen when we get payed on wednesday if were even going to have the money for gas and everyday living this is my first post here and i can't find meeting to go to around here i live in newville pa trying to find something while the kids are in school
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby abclimo » Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:51 am

Jenna: Welcome! Unfortunately there are no meetings in your area during the school day. There are a bunch in Shippensburg, but all are 6 p.m. or later. There are a bunch in Lemoyne at noon, and it says that is about 27 miles from you, not sure if that works for you travel wise, so it's just a suggestion. You can keep posting here and we'll all help you as much as we can. Meetings are important because its vital to find a sponsor, someone who you can talk to on the phone or face to face and who you can trust. I know that weekends are harder for everyone, all that free time on your hands and most people get paid on Fridays so the money is available for drugs. Since you were clean for so long, you know you can do it. We are a people with the disease, ask if we want drugs, we're probably going to say yes, especially if we are feeling stress, pressure, or it's a good day. We are the best excuse makers there are. That "friend" that came over isn't really a friend if he's still in addiction, because it'll be tempting to you. In NA they say we need to change our friends to people who do not use. I know that can be hard too, but living life in active addiction is much harder. Next time instead of picking up, do something else, like go for a walk, clean your house to within an inch of it's life (one of my faves), cook or bake (my absolute fave), go to the mall and walk around, do anything that will distract you from the urge to give in to using. You can do it, just keep positive and keep posting.
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby HappyGilmore » Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:47 pm

It's rough trying to get through the weekends with cash in my pocket. Sometimes I can...others, not so good. Especially when certain people who have stuff know when I get paid and where I work. I wanna get to a meeting this weekend if possible. Found out there's one up the street from me.
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby otdun » Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:01 am

there are meetings on weekends too,i suggest you go to meetings friday and the entire weekend,there are people there who you can talk to and will be glad to help you. share what is going on with you to the group. instead of going to score drugs go to a meeting!,just go!! i will keep you in my prayers! ask for help at the meetings, get phone numbers . wishing you the best!
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby JIR1 » Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:57 am

Good morning:

Join an organization in your community that will help you. Write in a journal to help you keep this habit off your mind don't let it destroy while you are weening off this drug. Take walks, ride a bike, go window shopping, start a new hobby. You can do it. I did. There is so much we do out here we have face our fears.

Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby HappyGilmore » Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:53 pm

otdun wrote:
> there are meetings on weekends too,i suggest you go to meetings friday and
> the entire weekend,there are people there who you can talk to and will be
> glad to help you. share what is going on with you to the group. instead of
> going to score drugs go to a meeting!,just go!! i will keep you in my
> prayers! ask for help at the meetings, get phone numbers . wishing you the
> best!

I saw there's one in the neighborhood Friday night. I think I'll be there.
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Re: Getting through the do i do it?

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:11 pm

Pray! Ask god to remove the obsession to use. Ask for help from others in recovery, I did not know how to live without alcohol that led usually to cocaine, I had to take suggestions from other people on how to live sober. 90 meetings in 90 days, I used every day so I went to meetings everyday. A sponsor who can take you through the steps. I shared about the same thing in meetings, not having any friends that were sober and not having any social life without alcohol and that night I was invited to a party, a party of people sober and having fun. I developed friendships by sharing where I was at and asking for help and support. Be open-minded. Look for simularities rather than the differences in others stories and experiences. And pray some more, to what-ever type or higher power you feel close to or even possibly close to. My life has been transformed because of this program and the people in it. I am incredibly grateful for my life as it is today.

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