two days clean almost out of hope

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Re: two days clean almost out of hope

Postby abclimo » Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:01 am

Kellamari5: If you have any insurance, have them check some bloodwork to see how your iron, hemacrit, and hemoglobin levels are. All of these cause fatigue. I am glad things are continuing to improve for you, keep going, you can do this. We are just one person here helping another, and as they say at NA meetings, only by helping others can we continue to help ourselves to stay clean. Enjoy today!!!
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Re: two days clean almost out of hope

Postby Guest » Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:37 am

hi jasontorrin, i c ur post is from last december but it caught my attention. i hope by now things have improved 4 u. i 2 had a number of yrs clean n decided i can drink, smoke weed n pop percs. as long as i wasn't using my drug of choice i believed i was ok. this is the 2nd time i had over 4 yrs n relapsed starting with alcohol. it took a couple of yrs but i found myself using that very drug fri 8/11/11.i disappointed in myself but i refuse 2 let it take control of my life again. i never really cared 4 meeting n realize that was my disease leaving a opening 2 come back @ any time. i just want u 2 now u aren't the only 1 who feels like u do. i hope u still use this website so we can try n help each other. i no i need major help. tried 2 find a meeting in my city n couldn't find 1. gonna keep looking tho. in the rms they never look down on u. u already no. i hope u have found ur way back, i refuse 2 stay down. i comin up fighting this time.

Re: two days clean almost out of hope

Postby abclimo » Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:07 am

Kellamari: About the B12. I did see that CVS now has sublingual B12 and I was really impressed, because before you could only get vities like that through special order and they were expensive. Definitely have them monitor your B12 to make sure it doesn't get too high. I had mine checked recently and it was way over acceptable limits, so for now, I need to skip the B12 but I find that I still have tons of energy. Just passing this along to you. Cheers to staying clean!
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Re: two days clean almost out of hope

Postby partner38 » Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:21 pm

Hey out of hope. There is always hope when your above ground. And now it is time to decide how bad do you want to be clean again? Cause the guilt your talking about is a healthy fear. I have it myself. Cause i believe if i used again it would tear my kids apart. I never knew i needed GOD until GOD was all i had left. Do you realize their is somebody out there greater than u r?

Re: two days clean almost out of hope

Postby escape from berlin » Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:38 am

keep moving 4ward.. please keep in mind...any time neg. thought hits you..IT WILL PASS..wait it out, each time you do , you get stronger. keep shacking that shit off of you & get on top of it, each time. then you will. some day have it ALL. i am 21 yrs sober.. but got caught up on the pills too. each day you stay clean & sober.. you get another chance to live...LIVE STRONG... i am... have been for some time now, and i have never been happier. no waking up in dread & more passing out, because sleep wont come to a guilty keep it ONE DAY AT A TIME.. and you will see...the sun will shine on your face in the morning, and you will look so forward to what the day brings...THE GOOD that door, you already no what the the other side is like... never look never changes..but you can..
escape from berlin
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Re: two days clean almost out of hope

Postby jorgea » Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:36 am

You have to resist the temptation moment by moment of each passing day. You have to search for the inner courage to keep on resisting. Come back to for more help.
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Re: two days clean almost out of hope

Postby escape from berlin » Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:29 pm

you can do it again...this is part of recovery...(slipping..perks) it happened to me too. i have 21yrs sober...had bad back..dr. writes a script for perks...1 yr later im crushing and snorting them...and it went down hill from there..but i got back up and cleaned up..very painful..but soo worth it...this detox you are in will past...then life will come did it before, you can do it again!! get into the ROOMS..thats where you will find your help !.pills are the new high..its clean & easy to justify..we are addicts, any thing we can get high on, we will ! just remember, when that devil grabs you by your throat...and he will...act will past ...but if you give in and get go around the same mountain again...only worse.. this disease NEVER goes away..just as you know...the minute you think you got gets you ..AGAIN.. now that you know can do better...then you must help the next addict...thats how you stay clean...1 day at a time...good luck & god bless..stay CAN do this !! a great life is waiting for you on the other side.
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Re: two days clean almost out of hope

Postby CHAMPION » Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:50 am

Do'nt give up, and do'nt be ashamed to go ask for help. You have already been sober for 7 years before, so you know you can do it again, perhaps for life this time. So struggle and battle. I am addicted to heroin, and although i am suffering and it is winning right now, it will not take my championship belt from me. I'm going to beat it all up and knock it out. This is why i chose the username 'CHAMPION'.
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Re: two days clean almost out of hope

Postby Hope » Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:14 am

Keep hope. You can pull through this. My husband 12 yrs ago for 13 yrs was addicted to perks due to a work injury. He was introduced to heroin when Drs. took him off perks for 2 yrs. Well he landed up taking his life with heroin. He missed out on raising our 2 beautiful children. now 23 and 20. He'd be proud if he saw how they turned out. Smart,handsome,pretty,and driven. If you have someone who cares for you remember you are hurting them also besides yourself.

Re: two days clean almost out of hope

Postby abclimo » Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:16 pm

I love the encouragement we are giving to each other, together we can do this, but separately we cannot.
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Re: two days clean almost out of hope

Postby CHAMPION » Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:49 am

I'm so happy that you have another day 'in' ! I also am sober today, and am feeling good !!! Keep it positive.
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Re: two days clean almost out of hope

Postby abclimo » Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:14 pm

Escape from Berlin and all of us: You are so right about the pills being the new high, unfortunately too easy to access, safer than what you can buy on the street, because you know what's in them since they come from the pharmacy. The statistics are staggering how many people are addicted to prescription pain medications. Unfortunately doctors are overprescribing right now because they are afraid of being sued by someone who was in pain after surgery, from a back injury, etc. I don't think they have stopped to think about how going so far in the opposite direction is unacceptable and how it's creating addictions in people who wouldn't necessarily have become addicted had they not been overprescribed pain meds. We think that because the doctor has prescribed them, they are ok to use. It starts out innocent enough with just taking them as they are prescribed, then taking them earlier than when they are actually due and maybe taking two instead of one, and then for some, taking them in a manner in which they were not intended to be taken. Before you know it, we're addicted! Not to say we might not have been addicted to something else had we not had access to the pain meds, but chocolate is much safer :D I was watching Intervention the other night and somethings that was said so struck me, "secrets keep us sick" and "uncover, discover, discard". The secrets part is pretty easy. The "uncover, discover, discard" was pretty astounding when you think about it. When we uncover what is causing us to be addicted (and most of us are self-medicating), discover how to deal with it and then discard it. Today is Friday and I know it's the most difficult part of the week for many of us, with it being payday and having 2 days off, I know we can all stay clean and sober and not go back to our old ways. Enjoy your weekend and live life clean and sober!
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