perscription drug addiction

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perscription drug addiction

Unread postby » Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:18 pm

help I am addicted to pain meds I started taking them for my fibromyalgia after i almost died on lyrica. They put me on percocet i am taking 12 a day going through a scriptin a week i am buying on the street and i have been sober two days but hurting terriblyi can hardlywalk and my hands hurt. I was on ultram and tramadol but it caused too much gastic distress that i lost 25 pounds and the dr pulled me off what do I do . I am a recovering alcohglovc with 18 years sober from alcohol and even quit smoking cigeratters for 13 years but this is so hard.

Re: perscription drug addiction

Unread postby abclimo » Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:58 pm

Hi and welcome. Congrats on your 2 days! Unfortunately with fibromyalgia the quickest pain relief is from acetominophen or aspirin. I see you said you almost died on Lyrica, but there are lots of other alternatives that do similar, but may not be in that same specific family. I know they use Elavil, Celexa and others, unfortunately, they take longer to take effect. You may need a detox facility to come off the percocet. One great side effect of the percocet is that it causes constipation in people, in some people it's a welcome side effect and going to the ultram/tramadol because it's a synthetic may have not done the same in that department that the percocet does. Possibly your doctor can prescribe something for the diahrrea like Lomotil, which is like immodium, but much stronger. If you have a lot of cramping, they can also use Levsin or something in that family for that also. So many people with fibromyalgia also have irritable bowel or spastic colon, so the narcotic in the percocet, vicodin, etc. help to cut down on the diahrrea. I understand the pain you are going through, but the one thing that you have to do, no matter how much it hurts is get up and move. Try some simple stretching exercises, and just some easy walking. I know I get so achy from sitting, but once I get up and move, not to the extent that I feel like I am running a race, but just moving around, I feel better. If you can take aspirin products, try aleve or something in that family, I know some of my other friends use that for fibro pain. I know they also use things like Celebrex, but they have a huge amount of risk factors. Just some options to think about. I too had a prescription pain addiction and this is my first winter without pain meds and some days I feel like a truck has run me over. Hot showers and baths also offer some relief. You can stay clean, you just need to think positive and not take that next percocet. You are worth it. Please keep posting here, we do care. Hugs
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Re: perscription drug addiction

Unread postby Berdie48 » Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:10 am

A prescription drug addict uses medications in a way other than for which they were originally prescribed or to a much greater extent. They come to depend on the drugs to feel better in some way, and experience cravings for them in between doses. The prescription drug use continues in spite of negative consequences for the user, including relationship difficulties, problems on the job, or the risk of physical harm from inappropriate use.

Signs of Prescription Abuse and Dependence

The signs of addiction to prescription drugs include the following:

Complaining of vague symptoms to get more medication
Lack of interest in treatment options other than medications
Mood swings
Seeing several doctors and/or pharmacies to get more pills
Past history of drug addiction
On and off relief from anxiety
Using more than the recommended dose or dosage frequency of the medication
Using prescription pills prescribed for others
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