Lesser of 2 evils? Is it really harm reduction?

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Lesser of 2 evils? Is it really harm reduction?

Unread postby birthdaywishes » Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:06 pm

Hi, I am having a conflict about methadone. I hope I am okay in using specific drug terms. Someone using opiates for two years (pain pills advanced to subaxone and that turned into heroin) and is using methadone for treatment. But is it really treatment? I understand that it is better than using illegal narcotics and is a lot cheaper, better for the community, families, and lifestyle. However, I have heard that detox from methadone is worse than a detox off heroin. I watched this person detox off heroin for 6 days, and it was pure hell. I had to wash their pajamas a couple times a day because there was no self control for diarrhea or vomiting. She did feel better and like herself on Day 7. Unfortunately, relapsed on Day 8. (I hate addiction) If methadone is a safer stepping stone for her to get completely sober, does anyone have any advice about how long she should stay on that program? (I have heard anything from 6 months to 2-5 years)

I appreciate anyone's feedback, suggestions, and ideas.
Hope you all had a great clean and sober St. Patrick's Day!!

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Re: Lesser of 2 evils? Is it really harm reduction?

Unread postby abclimo » Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:21 pm

Hi and welcome! Methadone is supposed to be used for cravings. I am not sure what the suggested duration is. I do know that so many people develop substitute addictions to the methadone or suboxone. I don't know that it's better for the community, families or lifestyle, because it can still be addictive. I do get the point that it's better than illegal drugs. Unfortunately, prescription medication is now the most abused drug and is at epidemic levels. I recently heard a doctor on television talking about how huge the prescription drug addiction has become. He was talking about how few people died in the 1960's from drug use, but how many are currently dying from prescription drugs. Just of recent are Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Heath Leger and so on. So many times there's an underlying problem as to why we are addicted to drugs. Often we "self medicate" to deal with people, work in our life. Until we can deal with our underlying problems, we can still succomb to our addictions or develop substitute addictions. Many go from drugs to alcohol or in the reverse, others go on to food, sex, shopping, etc. The disease of addiction is a terrible disease and detoxing from any drug or alcohol is terrible and is best medically supervised. I hope I have helped you with your questions. Please do keep posting.
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