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Unread postby Sober thompson » Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:33 pm

Why is it since I have been in recovery I have major mood swings! I get all happy when I talk about drinking with my sponsor but there are times I'm mad and upset and I just don't know why! Am I going insane?
Sober thompson
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Re: Moods

Unread postby Carolyn » Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:25 pm

I would say it is perfectly natural. I have 7 years sober and have AA as a great support tool. For the first several months I had alot of mood swings. I had used alcohol as a way to self medicate for so long that I think it took a long time to both get the addiction out of my daily life and to learn to live without it. Use the tools you have: your sponsor, meetings, the steps, other people in the rooms, this forum, etc. as a way to learn how to live.
I also think remembering that all you have to do is not drink today is a great lesson. If I try to look too far forward it takes me away from my daily life and can cause anxiety, which causes mood swings, etc.
Take it one day at a time! You can do it!!!! :)
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Re: Moods

Unread postby abclimo » Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:33 pm

Sober: Hi! You're not going insane, lol. So many of us self medicate with our addiction that when that finally clears out of our systems, and it takes much longer for it to clear out than you think it does, that we kind of have a chemical imbalance for a while, while our body adjusts to not having our "medication" to level out our moods. I sometimes feel like I have really bad PMS with how my moods flip around and it is scary, it makes you almost think "ok when will this stop now"? I find that writing helps me deal with some of the moodiness and with what I am feeling. It's a really cheap therapy, just the cost of some paper and a pen or pencil and sometimes in retrospect you can learn things you didn't realize you had going on. I write everyday and then sometimes I'll go back and read what I have written and I can sometimes find a common denominator that seems to be pushing my buttons the wrong direction.Hugs!
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Re: Moods

Unread postby BklynChik » Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:38 am

Ditto, ditto and ditto!

I have had many mood swings too. I never experienced the "pink cloud" that some talk about. I wanted it, but instead I got a roller coaster. :) The good news is that the longer time I have being sober, the less drastic the coaster ride is...

Definitely share your non-happy times with your sponsor, that's what they are there for! No one said sobriety was going to be an easy ride, we have to do a lot of learning and re-learning now that we're sober. Sometimes I feel like a newborn just looking at life for the first time.

You are definitely not alone!!!
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Re: Moods

Unread postby teatime22 » Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:38 pm

I started taking Vitamin b complex for moods. It has only been two weeks. Even light excercise help. Meditation is a proven tool for stress, moods, and blood pressure. Just 5-10 mins a day. Many people i know woth psychologic disorders began drinking as self medication. I agree with earlier post to give your brain time to adjust.
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Re: Moods

Unread postby precisepainter9 » Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:14 am

Good morn anybody feel like talking

Re: Moods

Unread postby mrmakkey » Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:09 pm

abclimo wrote:
> Sober: Hi! You're not going insane, lol. So many of us self medicate
> with our addiction that when that finally clears out of our systems, and it
> takes much longer for it to clear out than you think it does, that we kind
> of have a chemical imbalance for a while, while our body adjusts to not
> having our "medication" to level out our moods. I sometimes feel
> like I have really bad PMS with how my moods flip around and it is scary,
> it makes you almost think "ok when will this stop now"? I find
> that writing helps me deal with some of the moodiness and with what I am
> feeling. It's a really cheap therapy, just the cost of some paper and a
> pen or pencil and sometimes in retrospect you can learn things you didn't
> realize you had going on. I write everyday and then sometimes I'll go back
> and read what I have written and I can sometimes find a common denominator
> that seems to be pushing my buttons the wrong direction.Hugs!

abclimo is right, we used to drink and drugs to level ourselves out and keep ourselves in a "state of bliss" no that you are sober, emotions that you experience can be more intense and seem strang, just hang in their and things do get better! :P
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Re: Moods

Unread postby hannvli » Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:04 am

I agree with earlier post to give your brain time to adjust.

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