Looking for meetings near Quakertown.

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Looking for meetings near Quakertown.

Unread postby gatsbtglen » Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:04 pm

Quakertown, Pa doesn't seem to have a lot of meetings. Looking for something nearby. I commute to Newark, De, so something along that commute could w.ork. I can't beat this alone. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Re: Looking for meetings near Quakertown.

Unread postby qrtownman » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:25 am

Hey gatsbtglen

I am brand new to this site today mainly because I was looking for meetings in Quakertown as well. I came across one at St. Luke Hospital on 11th st on sat nights at 6pm..Considering it is Friday I think I may take that all important first step into the meeting..If you wish to join me let me know.. I just pray there are people there because i have read stories where that database isn't totally accurate all the time.


Re: Looking for meetings near Quakertown.

Unread postby cris32 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:10 pm

I live right outside of quakertown. Contact me and i can let youknow where and when in quakertown.
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