Depression associated with recovery?

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Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby Heavyheart » Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:02 pm

How long does depression tend to last when you are in recovery? It runs in one side of my family anyway, but I find that I start crying all the time at the littlest things. I'm also in menopause, have a paraplegic husband and am completely responsible for the care of my 15-yr-old son with a neurodegenerative condition. I just want to have a glass of wine so I can blunt the emotions, but know that's not a solution. I'm also visiting my 85-yr-old mother (we lost my Dad after years of dementia a couple of years ago) and seeing her age and not being able to have more time with her because her house is inaccessible for my son, and his care takes so much time, and my daughter is 12 going on 13 and doesn't like helping - it's just so much. But I take Prozac (it helps a bit) and Valium (which also helps, but I end up overusing it if I don't really watch myself). I've never had trouble with beer or wine in the past - just vodka, but I wonder how much the depression and emotional breakdowns are due to withdrawal and how much is due to my general overwhelm with all my responsibilities! Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby Dorothy76 » Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:17 pm

I feel the same way....I have not had a drink in 3 weeks. I drank everyday for about 5 years.
I knew I had a problem, but never did anything about it. The last time I drank, I didn't get home till 4:30am. My husband of almost 16 years was pissed!! I caused so many problems in the past five years. I have been so depressed and start crying. I feel so sad and feel like I will never be able to have a normal social life again :(

I want to stay sober for myself, my husband and my children. I think I am going to start going to AA meetings. I think I really need to talk to people that know what I am going through. It's not easy and lonely
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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby pearlofgod50 » Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:31 am

Hi!! Well, Well, DEPRESSION-- Hmmmmmm.............. So, here's the deal---- For the first 2 years of my sobriety I cried and cried- ALL THE TIME!! EVERYTHING (IT SEEMED) made me cry. I heard, in meetings, and in therapy, that this is NORMAL. We all have stories. We all have issues. The thing is- we, as alcoholics, are used to drinking our feelings into submission. We rather make them go away so we can "relax," so we tell ourselves. Trust me when I say these feelings are conditioned responses our alcoholism has told us is appropriate to solve our issues,i.e.-- "take a drink," "you'll feel BETTER." It is NORMAL for us, as alcoholics, to WANT to drink.So, DON'T beat yourself up over the "urge." I've been sober for six(6) years and the thought of a drink STILL comes up. Oh, sure, not all the time. But, like the lady who is experiancing family issues, I too have issues. We ALL do!!! It's just what we call, in A.A., life on life's terms. HEY-- I've lost a kidney to cancer,had a stroke, lost the use of my knees, and now I sit in an electric wheelchair!!!!! This all happened to me when I got SOBER!!!! CRAP!! I thought just the act of getting sober would solve everything-- WRONG!!! I have the utmost respect for life and am truely grateful. I have a lot of gratitude. Everyday, when I wake up, I'm happy to just be alive!! I was on the pity pot yesterday, because, I have found a lump in my breast and I've started to bleed from a" delicate" part of my body. Am I scared?!! You bet your A__ I AM!!!! I wanted a drink so bad yesterday, I could taste it! I'm angry to think my cancer is trying to win the battle!! BUT-- I'm grateful I have the tools A.A. gave me, what therapy taught me, and; of coarse, my sweet God.(not in that order) Bottom line? If you need help(you sound overwhelmed) try some community resources. Go to meetings. Be "selfish" w/ your "you" time. When so many depend on you, well, YOU need to take good care of yourself --FIRST!!! Maybe, seek therapy? As alcoholics, we're not used to doing good things for ourselves. We treat ourselves badly and assume we don't deserve any better because we don't know any better, at least not in EARLY sobriety. I would LOVINGLY suggest going to meetings,getting therapy(?) and getting some outside volunteer help from a community based organization to help w/ your family needs. You deserve a break, NOT a drink. It just dummies down the existing issue. Work on solving THAT, instead. LOVE, The Pearl Of God 50.

Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby Dunmine » Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:41 am

Good morning! I just joined, am not very computer literate, so I hope this gets out there to you. You mentioned the crying all the time, menopausal,vodka the key to hell. All that relates to me. I just need someone to talk to, and I don't go to meetings. You really have a lot on your plate, and helps me put some of my BS into perspective. I'll say some prayers for you (as tears swell in my eyes). By the way, I'm 19 months sober. It's like a REAL,REAL long pregnancy. Just wondering, What's going to come from this? I'm rambling.
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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby bone » Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:52 am

Good morning! I just rejoined, sometimes people need on an antidepressant, I am one of those people
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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby VeraKeisey » Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:48 pm

bone wrote:
> Good morning! I just rejoined, sometimes people need on an antidepressant,
> I am one of those people

Are you sure about that?
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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby Guest » Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:04 pm

yes, depression can last a long time. Depends upon if it is clinical or situational

Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby mjlowe » Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:49 am

WOW! you all sound like me!! Makes me feel a littl more at home. I suffer with depression. Is it because of the alcohol or chemical imbalance, I think chicken ;egg situation , for me both. I have been on paxil for years...also while i drank..but now my Dr added Abilify and I am doing GREAT!!! I am sober now for 4 months (for my second time..first was for about a year)..keep your chins up and reach out for help. There are alot of resources out there ,,we need to use them!! Prayers to you all

Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby slange2303 » Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:04 pm

Hey everyone, I just joined like ten minutes ago, I have only been sober and recovering for 6 months. My drug of choice was injecting heroin. Im so depressed, I see two counselors and my cravings have been so bad lately like I just keep breaking down and crying. I don't know what to do, I don't sleep, seriously im up for hours every single night. Im exhausted. A little of by background: my boyfriend and myself were going to go get some heroin, we got it, shot up before we left an about ten minutes later got pulled over. We went to jail they let us out on a pr bond and did the whole court thing, we were both first time offenders we both got off on probation. I was pregnant and was 5 months pregnant when I had a miscairage, one week to the day I stopped using is when I lost her, but the day I got outta jail I went to the er and the doc proscribed me methadone to help the baby so she wouldn't detox ( found out it was a girl the same day I found out I lost her) the er checked her heart beat and she was fine, after i had to have the D&E surgery the doctors told me her death was not because of me, they said i contracted a virus and she got it, and thatsI how sheI passedgot away. I still believe its my fault.ill never forgive myself. then my family moved me in with my aunt and uncle, I was living with my boyfriend. My family moved me out two days after being arrested. And I am court ordered to continue going to the methadone clinic. I hate it. But anyways I have a full time job I work at my uncles business he owns. I like It. Uhm I wanna start college next year I wanna be a counselor. But im so depressed I don't know what to do. I miss my daughter. I miss my boyfriend (found we were suppose to be marries this summer) there is so much more important info to my story, leave that alone for now. Im also currently working on getting my ged, which I take next month. I currently am living with my aunt and uncle and there three kids I live an hour away from where I work so me and my uncle commute each day. Sometimes I work 7so days a week. And me and my parents don't get along.
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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby Despair » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:54 pm

My name is Nick mam....... Please beware of other substances! I recently lost my job, wife, boat, condo, and visitation to my beautiful children due to Xanax & Pain killers. I had 6 good years of wonderful sobriety, crashed my motorcycle Sept 1st, and have just 12 days clean today. I had NO IDEA pills would bring the monster out............. But unfortunately can assure you they did.


Heavyheart wrote:
> How long does depression tend to last when you are in recovery? It runs in
> one side of my family anyway, but I find that I start crying all the time
> at the littlest things. I'm also in menopause, have a paraplegic husband
> and am completely responsible for the care of my 15-yr-old son with a
> neurodegenerative condition. I just want to have a glass of wine so I can
> blunt the emotions, but know that's not a solution. I'm also visiting my
> 85-yr-old mother (we lost my Dad after years of dementia a couple of years
> ago) and seeing her age and not being able to have more time with her
> because her house is inaccessible for my son, and his care takes so much
> time, and my daughter is 12 going on 13 and doesn't like helping - it's
> just so much. But I take Prozac (it helps a bit) and Valium (which also
> helps, but I end up overusing it if I don't really watch myself). I've
> never had trouble with beer or wine in the past - just vodka, but I wonder
> how much the depression and emotional breakdowns are due to withdrawal and
> how much is due to my general overwhelm with all my responsibilities! Any
> help would be appreciated.

Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby WastingAway » Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:20 am

Cheers to all of the strength on this forum! Keep in mind that some of us addicts have entered into our addictions already depressed! Doesn't that suck?! Some of us out there have hugged our bottles like blankets to hide from the depression we've already come to know. We don't always see the addiction coming, but when you have a good soup with a cold and cough, you're going to want it again! Sobriety is the solution to alcoholism and you can let it be a gateway to happiness, too. Treat the sickness, not the symptom! :D
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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby amandak11 » Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:35 am

i am new to this chat i just googled sobriety chat, i attend a few AA meetings a week but dont have a car so i am unable to really get out and meet sober people. this topic is something i can relate to. my first attempt at sobriety left me more depressed than before and i was on zoloft and ativan for anxiety, i thought since i wasn't drinking or doing drugs that i was sober and going to end up okay but i started abusing my ativan and couldn't get that filled quick enough to make me quit feeling so depressed so eventually i relapsed starting drinking heavy again and using other pills and drugs. today i am 63 days sober/clean. my advice would to make sure that you are dealing with your depression and anxiety carefully thru counseling and healthy outlets. an antideppresant is a good idea BUT as far as valium xanax ativan etc be very careful because you could end up trading one addiction for another. life is hard but remember one thing, you shouldn't want to trade ur worst day sober to your best day drunk because you are still gonna have those problems when the alcohol wears off...

Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby jackmarknow » Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:22 am

I feel the same way....I have not had a drink in 3 weeks. I drank everyday for about 5 years.

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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby sunshinee » Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:35 am

hai,I come back today!

i am nami,how are you?
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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby Harley » Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:07 pm

Depression is a touchy thing...I am 9yrs sober now and the beginning for me was tough giving up a lifestyle I was so accustomed to however with new friends in the rooms and a change in my lifestyle the depression just went away. It was replaced with a happiness I never thought or imagined.
Don't get me wrong there r days whe n I get depressed but I don't deal with it with alcohol I now deal with it in the rooms who bring much happiness into my life. Find the right people. Find the positive people and u find that depression liftedfrom you.
Even more important than that use ur higher power. Give it to him and he'll take it from you if u do. :)


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