New here and to Recovery

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New here and to Recovery

Postby Miss Feb » Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:57 pm

Hi! I am new to this site and trying to navagate my way through it. I am very new to recovery also. Only about a week and I am struggling. I am having a hard time realizing that I can not go to the places I used to go such as bars and dance clubs or to see my friend's band play. Everytime I do I end up drinking and now it is to the point that I blackout and that is really scary. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Miss Feb
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Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby 2skclean » Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:47 am

Visit a local AA meeting , it can change your life in ways you never thought possible ...give yourself a chance go to an AA meeting ASAP !!

Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby acb4687 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:31 pm

I am also new to recovery and this site. I know it is really hard to get through this but unfortuantly you are going to have to surround yourself with new people and forget about all the ones who were there with you when you used to drink. It sucks, I know. But for now it may be the only way your going to get through this.. Hope I helped a little. Goodluck!!! :D
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Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby free4good » Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:24 pm

new here, is there a live chat room or meetings online?
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Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby Renee27 » Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:04 am

I am glad I am not alone. I am new also and terrified like urself. I recently started blacking out and I dont want that to ever happen again. I have not been to a meeting yet myself but want to attend. Have you gone yet?
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Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby Sabina » Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:47 pm

Congratulations on the newcomers taking a bold step to admit they have a problem.

Becoming sober can seem daunting (Never have a drink again? NO WAY!) but the most important thing is to take it easy. Little steps.

Leave your guilt, shame and remorse behind.

Look on the list for a meeting near you. If you don't like that meeting, the people, the venue, try another one.

Find a copy of The Big Book. You can download it online free. Read it. Sounds like BS, but the book will show you, you are not alone.

Know you are not alone. You are part of a fellowship that isn't going to judge you. And everything that happens in AA is anonymous. I understand if you are nervous about being seen. (Trust me, I almost wore a disguise to my first meeting. :lol: )

And if you slipped up and drank today, you slipped up. Don't beat yourself up for it but don't drink tomorrow.

Oh, if you feel like you have somehow failed at life because you are an alcoholic, Google "Famous Alcoholics." You are in really cool company.

Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby Tom4370 » Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:21 pm

Well guess it's time for me to join the list of new comers.
I dont crave a drink, so I never thought I was an alcoholic. but over the last year I have been having blackouts when I do drink to excess (friday night and saturday night)
Scares the daylights out of me. Has happened at least 4 times and has now landed me in possible legal trouble. VERY SCARED.
This past monday Jan 14th on my way to work is when I decided to quit. Planning on attending my first meeting this coming Monday after work. SCARED! :|
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Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby joebarr » Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:38 pm

I'm also new to the site and recovery. I got a friend with years sober taking me to a meeting tonight.I'm somewhat scared,but I'm ready
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Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby Sabina » Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:57 pm

@Joebarr, how did it go?

@Tom, nothing to be scared of. I felt relief after going to my first meeting.

I finally introduced myself into the elephant in MY room.

Slowly but surely, I've been reintroducing myself to my family, my friends and the life I wanted to have instead of spending big parts of it drinking and hiding my drinking and recovering from my drinking. :lol:

Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby Sobriety081412 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:52 am

I have been clean now since August 15, 2012. I have went to church one time since I have been clean and I still haven't used! I dont get it because I have always heard that if you didnt follow The 12 Steps to a tee that you were going to use again. I do not want to use anymore but i have had a couple cravings since I have been sober. I have always just let them pass. The only thing is right after I got clean I found out I have Hepatitis B, and have been sick with many infections since because my immune system is so weak now and my white blood count is so high.So I guess its the way I think about things now! I have a whole new perspective on life and everything about it. i take nothing for granted now. I just joined here because I am a stay at home mom with two young boys. Would just like to meet someone that understands what I am going through.

Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby Pbla2600 » Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:35 pm

Recently commited myself to the program again and tonight I went to my first meeting in a few years. The safety I felt walking through those doors compares to nothing else. It felt like the mistakes I have been making recently were lifted off of me. I didn't even participate other than supporting others and the feeling of using never felt more terrible. All it takes is listening and applying it to yourself. Good luck.
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Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby Ms T » Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:58 pm

Miss Feb wrote:
> Hi! I am new to this site and trying to navagate my way through it. I am
> very new to recovery also. Only about a week and I am struggling. I am
> having a hard time realizing that I can not go to the places I used to go
> such as bars and dance clubs or to see my friend's band play. Everytime I
> do I end up drinking and now it is to the point that I blackout and that is
> really scary. Any suggestions would be welcome.

I've been there. I had to totally change my lifestyle. It took for me to see someone maybe 10 years my senior leaving the cutrate as I was on my way in and thinking that's going to be me in 5 years if I don't quit. It's not pretty when a woman is a drunk. Not lady like at all. Think of all the positive activities that you used to enjoy, start a bucket list of things you would like to enjoy, go to church. Attend an AA meeting. Enlist a sober friend for encouragement and observe how they live without a drink.

As for the blackouts--totally scary and I'm with you on this point--it only gets worse, much, much worse. I didn't experience a blackout until I had stopped drinking--cold turkey, not realizing that I was dependent upon alcohol and it could have killed me. Only the grace of God allowed me to get dry without experiencing the side effects that include death from quitting cold turkey. When I picked up a drink again four years later I started experiencing blackouts after a minimal amount of drinking. To this day, it takes very little to send me into a blackout state where I'm completely functioning and don't remember a thing. Whew...not a happy thought. I don't even want to be told how I behaved when I was blacked out and people don't realize that I'm blacked out and have no recollection of what I said and did. Luckily, I never drink outside of home or it would be a sight to behold. It's still never a good thing and I can no longer handle hard liquor, and I cannot drink in public. It's something to think about.
Ms T

Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby clean » Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:11 am

Sabrina, I hit the wrong button. Any way this forum is great for all new comers I am a new comer again. The strom is coming and if I can not get out to a metting I can talk in here great site Your messge to the new comers was great too! If you see two post from me please excuse trying to learn this site.

Sabina wrote:

> Congratulations on the newcomers taking a bold step to admit they have a
> problem.
> Becoming sober can seem daunting (Never have a drink again? NO WAY!) but
> the most important thing is to take it easy. Little steps.
> Leave your guilt, shame and remorse behind.
> Look on the list for a meeting near you. If you don't like that meeting,
> the people, the venue, try another one.
> Find a copy of The Big Book. You can download it online free. Read it.
> Sounds like BS, but the book will show you, you are not alone.
> Know you are not alone. You are part of a fellowship that isn't going to
> judge you. And everything that happens in AA is anonymous. I understand if
> you are nervous about being seen. (Trust me, I almost wore a disguise to my
> first meeting. :lol: )
> And if you slipped up and drank today, you slipped up. Don't beat yourself
> up for it but don't drink tomorrow.
> Oh, if you feel like you have somehow failed at life because you are an
> alcoholic, Google "Famous Alcoholics." You are in really cool
> company.

Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby Guest » Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:02 pm

Hello this is my first time trying to get help with my addiction i wish i had very supportive help i hace 4 kids and a husband but it seems like he dnt want to be my support and he also drinks every time i try to stop drinking he brings drinks and other things around me then he gets mad that i pour it out when i get mad am i wrong for wanting to get better and he drinks also and tells me stop drinking i want to but it seems that he dnt want me to get better

Re: New here and to Recovery

Postby Jhkjhk » Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:42 am

I am new and having so much trouble trying to sleep. Can only get a 20 minute nap here and there and worrying about work. Only 2 days sober and girlfriend of 4 years left me 4 days ago and is battling breast cancer. I want to talk to her so bad, but afraid she will get me upset as she is going out and drinking to excess. I am afraid any contact will send me out drinking again and I also worry that sadness, loneliness, sleeplessness, anxiety and depression will end withe the same results. Scared to death of being alone without the person I love. I want a drink so bad! I know it's not the right thing to do but this is hard to handle and I am white knuckling. Been to 4 meetings in 2 days. So late at night I don't want to call the one number I have.
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