Depression associated with recovery?

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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby Mercy164 » Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:49 am

Hello. I was depressed for over 20 years. I was seeing a shrink for 12 years straight along with taking different meds like antidepressants. Nothing ever really seemed to work for me until I dealt with and treated my alcoholism. The AA Big Book talks about depression being a normal part of untreated alcoholism as well. It was when I finished a few steps in AA that I started to not feel so hopeless. I still had problems and stuff, but somehow it seemed easier for me to get up and go deal with them. I was so glad I finally found something that was really working. The more I did the program and stuck with it, the better things got. I always wanted things to get better in 2 weeks. It takes time to get better, as it took time to make a mess out of my life. I have been sober now 8 1/2 years and I don't have depression.
I am always glad to show any women the 12 steps if they are ready to do the work and attend meeting whether it be by phone, chat, or face to face. Feel free to contact me if that sounds good to you. :) I know it sounds like BS, or maybe not the way to go because it requires some work. :shock: LOL It is easier to just take a pill. I get it as that is the way alcoholics and addicts are...the way I am. Some people do need medicine. I get that too. I also know that drinking and never being free of our addictions is no way to live or treat any mental illness, so if we truly want to get better sobriety is the way. :D
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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby marthaa3 » Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:48 pm

Depression is definitely associated with abstinence for an alcoholic.
Something that has helped me with depression is I'll find a mantra that applies to my current situation and depression.
Some days I repeat the mantra 100 times. I use the mantra to block negative thoughts.
Right now my mantra is "I have a winning hand".
Because I know that I need to discard things in my life that don't work and keep the things that do.
If my hand looks like crap I'll have to build one.
I know that if I keep focused and positive I will have a winning hand with this situation and come out on top.
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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby Mercy164 » Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:00 am

If anyone wants to read about it in the AA literature, it is discussed in the "Doctor's Opinion." This falls in the beginning roman numerals section in the book.
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Re: Depression associated with recovery?

Unread postby Guest » Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:41 pm

Hi 67 days sober and depression and anxiety have been an issue for me lately. Initially I was feeling really good (after the first week or so). I have found that forcing myself to get some exercise helps me, and sometimes I have to really force myself because its the last thing I want to do. Best of luck to all of you who are struggling with this. Hang in there!! Also praying has helped me. Finding a higher power gives me hope and strength.


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