I am tired!!

This forum is for family and friends of alcoholics

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Postby Guest » Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:36 am

Tuesday 7:00 pm would be good for me.


Postby Kimba » Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:07 pm

I personally work late on Tuesdays but could be abvailable after 8 PM. I can try and access a computer 7 on tuesdays it just would be a slower connection,which is tough with chat rooms. My typing is slow as it is. :wink:
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Postby November_rain » Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:36 pm

Hi Kimba,

Would 8:00 be okay on Tuesdays? Or 8:30? Sunday evening could also be an option.

If anybody is interested in participating in an online chat, please let us know what's most convenient to you. We can try different days and different times.

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Postby Kimba » Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:01 pm

* or 8:30 will be fine or Sundays. I have meetings this week but next week will be good. Maybe we should have a poll? :D
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Re: I am tired!!

Postby millerl » Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:05 pm

I hate weekends too. It hurts me, and my kids. He goes out during the day and doesn't return until after we are asleep. Sometimes not until morning. I am so lonely. I never go anywhere or do anything. He doesn't do the family thing, because he wants to spend his day at the bar or with his buddies getting drunk. I am so tired, and exhausted of feeling like this. I just can't take it. I've been thinking about just leaving my house with the kids and getting an apartment. I don't even care if the house sells or forecloses. But in reality I am too chicken to do it. Why is that? This is not the life I deserve and not a good role model for my children. Just losing all sense of self at this point....

Re: I am tired!!

Postby Seeking Sanity » Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:00 pm

Wow...I have found some kindred spirits. My husband had a seizure over the summer after progressively heavier and heavier drinking I suspected drug use as well. He was unemployed for almost 18 months and things just spiralled. I had hoped it would be his rock bottom, it was a bad seizure and I convinced him to go to rehab but slowly hes back to his old ways. I echo the sentiment about the lying. It tears me apart and to him if he isnt cheating on me he doesnt understand a "little" lie or ommission about drinking being damaging. Im losing my mind wondering where he is, is he drinking, will he seize. I look everywhere for alcohol and just recently found his vodka stash after he swore he was clean not less than 2 weeks ago. I dont know if I should even bother confronting him....to what end? What does it matter? It is slowly killing me mentally, emotionally, physically but he refuses to acknowledge how it has any effect on me since he isnt a mean drunk. Nevermind that I have had to support our family because he cannot be relied on to do it. I go to alanon and it helps some but I just live each day so sadly and full of anxiety. I just wish he would see what he is doing to our marriage.
Seeking Sanity

Re: I am tired!!

Postby hurting38 » Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:27 am

I would love to chat,I am new to this ,and posted my " question" nobody gave me opinion,advice,I was hoping to get some answers,comforting,relief .... :(
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Re: I am tired!!

Postby nomorepromises » Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:55 pm

my husband was sober for 3 years before we meant. we have been together for 6 and married for three. last year he started. first it was slow (one a week) then it turned to every other day, now it's constant. He has promised to quit several times, but he doesn't last more than two day. I reached out to his family, kids, mom sisters; no one can help. 'I've argued, sulked, screamed, refuse to talk to him and told him he needs to leave. I'm sure you are all aware tat nothing helps. So what can you do?

Re: I am tired!!

Postby Godzilla59 » Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:54 am

This is my first time here you are not alone my life would be great if I did not have to compete with the BOTTLE I am also tired Praying for all of us

Re: I am tired!!

Postby Agavered » Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:12 am

Talk to him very sincerely. He might need a help, don't get tired because the only person who can help him right now is you.
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