Trykng it possible?

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Trykng it possible?

Postby Shellbell » Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:16 pm

Here I am back to day 1 of not drinking!! I am so frustrated at myself for not being able to do this!!! I don't want to give up but I wonder if it is possible for me :( I will keep trying and I was glad to find this site
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Re: Trykng it possible?

Postby Shellbell » Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:52 pm

Any feedback would be appreciated..thank you
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Re: Trykng it possible?

Postby adelaine041 » Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:37 pm

Just make your dedication more stronger to make sure you do not go back to being an alcoholic. :) Prayer and dedication is the key.
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Re: Trykng it possible?

Postby Lissa34 » Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:53 am

Try not to be so hard on yourself. You should be PROUD of yourself for making the decision not to drink. Lord knows it can be a battle at times, especially in the beginning of sobriety. Pat yourself on the back for making it through the day without a drink and just take it one day at a time. Don't give up, you can do this. I am new to this site as well, this is my first time and I have found it to be very helpful so far. However, I have been battling this disease of addiction for too long now. Do you attend any AA meetings outside of here or have a sponsor? It helps to have people you can call that are clean and sober who can guide you in the right direction when you are struggling. I have found it very helpful to attend drug and alcohol counseling where I attend groups and individual counseling a few days a week. I don't always feel comfortable sharing a lot of things in groups, so this has helped me greatly. I wish you the best of luck. Remember, Easy does it. Just take it one day at a time and don't be afraid to reach out for help if you are having a bad day. You can do this, stay strong and don't pick up that first drink. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!
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Re: Trykng it possible?

Postby horange5 » Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:48 pm

I know how you feel about being frustrated! I hate that it is so easy to get tricked inside your mind that having 1 drink will be fine..... I am on day 4! I am scared of tricking myself again but i suppose i must focus on the now and not on the what might happen or might not! i wish you the best of luck!
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Re: Trykng it possible?

Postby tera » Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:44 pm

I too have wondered if I can actually quit drinking. I have had 60 and 90 days, always to return to the bottle, letting myself believe this time I can CONTROL it. Well, now I have finally realized I cannot control it, nor drink like a regular person. However, I still wonder if I can STOP! I have to stop or lose my fiancé whom I am very in love with and want to share my life with, I am at my rock-bottom. I am having medical issues related to drinking, causing family uproars when I become drunk and "not me". Still, I wonder if I can actually use all these truths and all the knowledge I have acquired to stop the drinking in its tracks before it ruins me. I am on day 11 and have thought of a drink only about twice. My new approach is to tell myself alcohol is not an option for me, it will kill me. It helps to just keep it in my head that there is NO OPTION, NO CHOICE! AA helps too, but I still have to dedicate myself to going thru the steps with a good strong sponsor. When I go to an AA meeting now, instead of saying "My name is Tera and I am an alcoholic", I say "My name is Tera, and I CAN"T DRINK!" That seems to jolt me, I hear myself say it out loud and it gets me thru the day without much thought of alcohol at all. I think I will start just saying it out loud in the mirrow a few times a day and see if that even helps more. Well, good luck to you, its nice to have people out here in cyberland who understand what we are going thru doesn't it?

Re: Trykng it possible?

Postby rfengineer60 » Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:31 am

I too had many attempts over a span of 25 years to "control" my use of alcohol, however I was only fooling myself. I have hit over 130 days and it does get better, but it came at a price. I lost my wife and have a rocky relationship with my children. I had to hit bottom before it finally hit me that drinking was not for me. The thing is, that when one finally gets sick and tired of being sick and tired the program finally starts to make sense. ANYTHING is possible when we accept that alcohol in our lives is only a temporary relief from pain we do not want to deal with. Hang in there and you can do it with the help of the men and women in the program.
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