I know that I'm slowly killing myself

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I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby BigJim2691 » Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:51 am

...but I don't know how to not drink. The whole world drinks. How do I give up so many activities I have that are centered around drinking? And do I really have to give up all of my friends that I have been actively drinking with all these years just to get sober? It seems like the cure is worse than the disease. I have never lost a job because of my drinking nor have I landed myself in debt, prison, or hospitals - or anyone else for that matter. I have had many blackouts, appeared nude, jeopardized many good relationships and suffered from regret on many occasions. I do think I am an alcoholic. How do I stop drinking? I'm currently unemployed (by choice) but I don't have insurance to cover treatment. Is there anything I can do?

Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby mountain-lady970 » Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:30 pm

I can completely relate to this. I live in a place where everyone plays hard, and parties hard. I don't feel like I have not lost control of my life, but I'm ready to admit that I am an alcoholic, and have recently decided that I need to finally quit drinking. I know that relationships will have to change, but I feel like that is OK.
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Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby sean » Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:49 pm

I strongly suggest u make a meeting. If u already have not.

Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby emack » Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:58 am

you are at a cross roads.you can stop and save yourself or you can continue and see where it gets you.we have all been there and some make the choice early on and some keep living that life.all I can tell you is that saving yourself is much better than losing yourself.i still do the things I love and love them more sober.if your friends are real friends than they won't mind hanging out with you in a dry place.no one likes change,no one likes to be told what to do,no one likes the answer "no" but sometimes change,being told what to do and the answer "no" can save your life.
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Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby Blackwater2 » Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:26 pm

There are many choices, AA is one of them, its just getting to a meeting that's the problem

Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby K102 » Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:08 am

I totally hear you Jim. I want to go to my first meeting but I haven't quit drinking yet. I'm scared to death as it is 1:05 AM EST here and I am drinking the last alcohol in the house. This will be one of those nights when I could drink all night long. Questions for those of you who attend meetings....can I go if I haven't stopped? I need support. I wouldn't go to the meeting wasted...though there is no such thing as a functional alcoholic, I would go to the meeting sober...but I am nervous about accepting a beginner chip knowing full well that quitting cold turkey would probably put me into DT's within a day or so. Is it normal for some to start out in AA weaning off alcohol? I'm so confused. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby Harold » Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:05 pm

What is the best way to start in recovery? I'm not concerned anymore with losing friends because I have ended up hospitalized, in debt, and I'm starting to lose my "functional alcoholic" standing. It's never been a career issue. It's become one now. I'm pretty much feeling lost.

Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby emack » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:36 am

like everything else you have to take the 1st step.go to a few meetings and listen.its not easy but nothing good ever is.
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Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby Changes04 » Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:38 pm

You can always go to an AA meeting, which is free, or see about going to an income based program I know there are some out there. I was sable to get my treatment paid for due to not making enough money. I do have hopes that you can find your way. You don't have to give up your friends but if that can't support you in wanting to stay sober what kind of friends are those? I've had to cut a lot of people out of my life for my well being and its been difficult but well worth it. sometimes the best healings are being at ones with yourself and spending sometime alone to figure out what you want out of life. Drinking isn't everything and its hard because it is legal but their are so many other acitivites to do sober like bowling, swimming, the movies, reading, hunting, jogging, long walks, bubble baths and being surrounded with family that is sober. I will pray you find your way. You can always pick up the bible and read some versus. When I get overwhelmed I cry, then read and clean my house . keep your heart open to learn and experience more to life
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Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby ME2 » Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:57 pm

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Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby superglider2011 » Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:04 am

For "I know that I'm slowly killing myself", I too can completely relate to that constant voice telling me that I am most likely an alcoholic, but that I can't be fun or have fun without alcohol, and that everyone else around me parties. We as a society are so used to alcohol being part of our culture, that giving it up makes us feel like we have a character flaw. Giving up alcohol was and still is my New Year's resolution and I am not living minute by minute, counting each day sober or sitting around knowing that I'm one drink away from starting again. I am just not drinking any longer for the rest of my life, period. My quality of sleep is amazing, my mind is clear and my energy level is crazy good. I don't mind being around people who are drinking because I don't care. Sobriety is a state of mind. A positive mental outlook. In quitting alcohol, you will find that you will return to your original, rebooted self. That unspoiled you that you used to be. Fresh, ready and alert to opportunity. I love that I don't have hangovers that force me to cancel plans the next day. Throwing up while fishing or playing golf. Not being available to drive due to having too much or scared driving because I'm a DUI waiting to happen or watching my face get more red each day. You can quit because you don't really need alcohol at all. If you are thinking that you are an alcoholic or worried about being one, you probably are one. Know that you are also plenty strong enough to completely give it up. Do it!

Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby dinadeer » Fri Apr 10, 2015 5:18 pm

I have not had a drink alittle over 30 days now. I cant understand soical drinking, that doesnt make sense to me. When I drink I drink to get drunk. I start out saying just a drink but it always leads to 2, 3, 4....on and on til im broke passed out or worse. I go to meetings but I never shared yet. I dont know what to say yet. I dont wanna drink im powerless over alcohol. I am an alcoholic

Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby annmarieb » Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:01 pm

I'm not sure what to do on this forum how do chat with you?

Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby bushbailey » Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:11 am

I'm going to keep you in my prayers. Keep your head up n take it one day at a time. Remember god has your back and he'll never turn his back on you even when fake friends do.
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Re: I know that I'm slowly killing myself

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:42 am

I was sober 10 full days, and felt great. Then bam, binged over the weekend. I know I need support, and am hoping joining this will help keep me strong. I feel i am killing myself slowly as well, and ruining my husband and my relationship.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:42 am.

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