I too, need someone to tell me I'm not alone.

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I too, need someone to tell me I'm not alone.

Unread postby Guest » Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:16 pm

I'm a blistering alcoholic and drug abuser. I'm 25 years old, I sleep very little and drink all the time. I'm going to start to go to meetings tonight, but I am scared, I'm scared to give all this up. I find it so hard to reach out, and when I do, it's a weak and feeble attempt. I'm very sad with my life, I drink about a bottle of whiskey a day and do hard drugs as well. I can't keep blaming this on my heritage and on hard times in life, but so often I feel alone, and ashamed to admit that I have a severe problem.
Someone, please tell me it will all be ok.

Re: I too, need someone to tell me I'm not alone.

Unread postby 2911 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:08 am

You will be okay...you are looking at the truth---that is scary to do---but very brave. There are 40 year olds who cannot do that. You are 25, you can change your life. You are so young & so brave. It is up to you and you only. That right there is powerful-even in the face of fear-that you can change this pattern. Love yourself now more that ever. God never gives up on you-so don't you give up on you.

God bless you on this journey. It is in our weakness that we are strong. That is such an honest place---strength is attracted to honesty. You can do this...one day at a time.

Re: I too, need someone to tell me I'm not alone.

Unread postby Jason » Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:18 pm

Im 34, I was 27 when i gave up and handed over "the keys". The keys to my life. I handed them over to a higher power. I brokedown and weeped like a baby, admitting to myself and everyone in my path that I needed help.

You will be ok, you are on the right path!
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Re: I too, need someone to tell me I'm not alone.

Unread postby You're Not Alone » Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:28 am

YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You do not need to live like this anymore. So many people just like yourself have been free from alcohol and drugs for years now and sometimes rarely even THINK about picking it up. It takes time but it also took time to get your where you are today. Coming to this realization that you need help is probably one of the biggest and best things you can have done. Clarity and freedom from addiction WILL happen to you. Plunge yourself into an AA meeting and an NA at least once a day - there are many, many people behind closed doors suffering like you. Me, I am around your age and did 1/2 bottle 100 proof alcohol a day. You have NO idea what a big difference your life will be like living sober and free from this bondage. I don't know you at all but I will tell you: You need to get help. Don't wait. Privately go to meetings. Do not drive there under the influence. You can to turn it around while you are young.

Eventually, you will find it's harder living the life you do NOW than a sober one. It is transitional from what I am learning but take it as it comes.

God bless you and I have prayed for you tonight. Please accept my words and thoughts into consideration. You have great things to do here on earth and they need to be revealed. The Lord NEVER forgets you and if God is for you then nothing can be against you - even this situation.

Be well my friend.
You're Not Alone

Re: I too, need someone to tell me I'm not alone.

Unread postby angel444 » Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:04 pm

You are not alone! You are never alone! Reach out! You have already taken the first step when you admitted you have a problem. There are so many resources available to you! Go to a meeting and then keep going! One second at a time, One minute at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time. Meetings are availabe everyday...go...heal....my prayers are with you!

Re: I too, need someone to tell me I'm not alone.

Unread postby BCAD » Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:28 pm

Hi -

How have you been feeling since you posted that message? I hope you are ok - lonliness really hurts. I'm sure this last week or two has been a battle but you WILL definitely get through it. Life can turn the corner at ANY moment, and then, you will be glad you're alive once again.

Re: I too, need someone to tell me I'm not alone.

Unread postby Guest » Sun May 04, 2008 12:40 pm

I think most of us feel this way,I know I thought all of my friends,and family use something so what will I do???The alcohol and drugs have been with since I can remember.They were mt best friend and companion,They were always there for me,like when My friends didnt want to be near me anymore,or when I broke up with my fiance,or lost my fist child,and when I was raped.It took a long time for me to realize that all of those things had happened as a direct result of my addiction.Its a wonderful thing that you can realize you need help!!Now get yourself to detox!!!Its best not to withdrawal alone,it usually doesnt work.If tou dont want to do rehab,than after detox,go straight to a meeting and if you dont like that meeting,try another,where ever you feel you are most comfortable to talk,because you have to talk about what your going through.I wish you the best!!!!!

Re: I too, need someone to tell me I'm not alone.

Unread postby Scott T » Sun May 24, 2009 6:16 pm

I'm so glad that you have the desire to stop drinking & drugging. Go to meetings,get some phone numbers of other members that you can call & relate to.The AA program works ( IF YOU WORK IT ). I just lost a 25 yr old son in March to addiction. He had the desire to stop & did for awhile,but then he went back to the drugs and died from it. One day at a time........Scott
Scott T

Re: I too, need someone to tell me I'm not alone.

Unread postby tovorya » Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:08 pm

hello out there well am a mom of two sick kid and i been clean for ten years and am haveing a hard time i do not go to meeting because of my kids and some time i need some one to talk to i have no family here in philly so its just me i have not been on a date in 9 years and a man is not whats on my mind but its hard for me trying to do it all and all the time i need to know am not alone. trying to stay up. tovorya

Last bumped by Anonymous on Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:08 pm.
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