Alternatives to AA

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Alternatives to AA

Unread postby TinCC » Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:36 pm

Hi all, and thanks in advance for any advise or suggestions. I was wondering if anyone knows of any meetings or groups in the Philadelphia area that have a different focus than the 12 step AA process. I have nothing against the 12 steps or AA; I just do not think it is right for me. I have been to a few meetings, in different areas, but I can never get entrenched in the group because I feel guilty that I am approaching my drinking problems a bit differently than completely cutting it out of my life. I still have a few drinks when I go out, and I do not want to completely stop. I just need to continue the balance between having a few, as opposed to closing the bar with a black-out. I actually really enjoy the feeling of being able to go out and have a few, keep a handle on myself, and wake up the next day, remembering the fun time I had the night before - and being able to function in the morning!

I know that this is not for everyone, and that some may think this is a foolish way to deal with a drinking problem, but it is working for me, and I want to continue on this good path. But I do not want to do it alone - I would really like to find a support group that is ok with the semi-sober lifestyle. Are they out there?? Like I said, I have nothing against AA, and I actually have gotten a lot out of the meetings I have attended, but I would like to feel more comfortable opening up about my way of dealing with others in a group setting. I feel the best way to keep on the right path is to keep being honest with the fact that I need to continually monitor my drinking.

If anyone has any information, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks all!!

Re: Alternatives to AA

Unread postby John » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:04 am

Hello TinCC,

We understand what you are saying. There is no pre-defined destined paths to follow, but there are well treaded paths that have helped a lot of people.

At SobrietyOnline we will soon be showing alternative meetings to AA. If you can help us in any way please let us know. In the meantime you may want check out
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Re: Alternatives to AA

Unread postby oneunitedfan » Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:25 pm

we will keep the light on for you if you are closing the bar and already have had a black-outs its just time before you do this again and it will get worse i can asure that you are just not ready yet i nope you are at least noy driving goodbless you but i think you will be back in the rooms if you are blessed remember this"Courage is the power to let go of the familiar."

Re: Alternatives to AA

Unread postby Charlie C. » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:25 am

I recommend ACOA - Adult Children of alcohoics - there are a lot of meetings in the Phialdelphia area:
I have tried controlled drinking and it is a very tough thing to do. One tip I can give you is eat a big meal before you go drinking and it may help, depending on how big your problem is. Sobriety is better. Can't you go out and have fun without drinking alcohol? Maybe there is an underlying problem underneath if you have urges that you cannot keep in check.
There is mental illness in my family - that is why I find the need to self-medicate. I have to watch this and go and get treatment. Talk also to your family doctor. They are trained to help you in this field.
Charlie C.

Re: Alternatives to AA

Unread postby guest » Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:34 am

Hi Tin CC,

Read up on moderation management. There is a formula for how many drinks you are allowed when you are moderating your drinking. However, the woman who came up with the formula is now in jail for killing someone while driving drunk.

All alcoholics wish desperately to moderate their drinking. That's the problem. Those people who can't seem to moderate their drinking make many attempts to do so. Those people without problems don't have a need to moderate their drinking. It's not an issue. It sounds like you are very much aware of the consequences and that's a great thing. Keep paying attention.

There is a great book to read to help you recognize the progression of your drinking. It's called "Under the Influence". It might help. All the best.

Someone who cares.

Re: Alternatives to AA

Unread postby Wolf Song » Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:51 pm

May i suggest reading some literature to help you monitor your drinking habit? The booklet 'Living Sober' may greatly benefit you in your efforts. Perhaps you could answear the questions in the pamphlet '44 Questions' ? Whatever you decide to do, please keep in mind that the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
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Re: Alternatives to AA

Unread postby sarah13 » Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:36 pm

SMART recovery - great stuff - - reply if you would like more information!

Re: Alternatives to AA

Unread postby jhenniferm » Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:16 am

Non traditional approaches to sobriety,
I have a number of friends that the AA model failed partially because it is religious in nature.
I have in my wanderings across cyber space found an odd funny serious site that I believe echo the sentiments of those of us getting sober. I came across the site This man talks openly and honestly abot his srtuggles and I believe that his site reinforces his decision to live sober and strengthens his resolve to remain sober.
He is refreshingly honest and insightful on many of the issues us addicts have to face

Re: Alternatives to AA

Unread postby sharon » Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:08 pm

When I decided to quit drinking 2 years ago I wasn't for going to AA. I proceeded to quit on my own and discovered Women for Sobriety about 6 months into my sobriety. I can tell you that being sober is GREAT!!! I was a stay at home PM drinking mom and I just got tired of the game of what I would drink, where I would drink and how I would get away with my drinking.

I do give you the credit due for being honest about your attempt at quitting.

Remember that "Peace comes from within!"

Re: Alternatives to AA

Unread postby Here's An Alternative to AA » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:07 pm

Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia has an Alternative to Addictions meeting every Monday at 7pm. Just show up, there are like 100+ people there and eprsonally I think it's better than AA. I LOVE AA and go regularly too, so that says how much more I like the addictions meeting. for the weekly bulletin
Here's An Alternative to AA

Re: Alternatives to AA

Unread postby Guest » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:45 pm

are there any other non aa groups in Philadelphia?

Re: Alternatives to AA

Unread postby paddle » Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:44 pm

There is a way to moderate your drinking to socially, You just go out and have a few and enjoy yourself. You don't guzzle, you don't have to leave if you don't have a drink in your hand, The night isn't over just because two drinks was all you were going to have, and the reason your out in the first place isn't to have drinks but rather be around people you enjoy or activities you enjoy. I was sitting in required AA meetings after my second DUI and still thought that I could do all of the obove. It would go well for a few months and then gradually I was back out there for one reason and that was to get drunk. I knew before I had a drink that night or day that when I started It was all out till I passed out. I have finally come to grips that I can have a few 1 out of 100 times. Those odds aren't very good. I had to stop. I know alot of people that have had the nights that they have had to much, but there odds are opposite of mine. They may have too much 1 out of a 100. My best advice is be honest with yourself and try the things I mentioned. It's real simple for somebody without a sickness.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:44 pm.
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