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Unread postby Imalive » Wed May 27, 2009 8:26 am

I realized recently, that one of the reasons I drink is because I am depressed, alot! I have been going to meetings for the past two months and think about drinking now more than ever. I didn't really think about it until I promised to give it up completely. I wish I could climb out of this hole, but people in my life aren't there to support me. I am very disappointed with my experience at AA because they haven't reached out to help me either. But, I will keep going until I find help. :)
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Re: Depression

Unread postby myfirststep » Wed May 27, 2009 11:45 am

I'm really new to this. but I saw your message and realized that I have the same issue. I've been told (I already knew) that alcohol is a depressant. So, if you (we) drink, it only makes matters worse. I drank last night because I was frustrated and depressed. I don't want to go to an AA meeting just yet. I'm not actually quite sure if I'm an alcoholic or not (which probably means that I have an issue with alcohol) I don't drink every day, but when I do, I'll finish the bottle. Have you tried going to a private therapist? Maybe that could get you started to figure out if your depression can be treated with medication. Just a thought. Also, if you live on the East coast (as I do), we've had a miserable winter and not much of a Spring. That can make anyone depressed. I wish you well and will say a prayer to the "Universe" for you. Keep trying. I'll do the same.
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Re: Depression

Unread postby rsgb » Thu May 28, 2009 9:26 pm

Keep coming back. Keep talking to people. You will find there are plenty of people willing to reach out and help you. Once you start working through the steps and living the steps that depression will lift. You will find a new freedom and a new happiness; be patient. It me.

Re: Depression

Unread postby keithG » Sat May 30, 2009 12:50 pm

For several years i thought that i may need anti-depressant medication, but never went to the doctor because that was for "sick" or "weak" people and i felt i was basically normal and didn't need meds...

I thought i could just reach down deep inside and change my feelings and change my thought patterns etc. I also thought that if i went on medication i'd be some sort of walking zombie...

I wish i went to the doctor years ago!! I now take a drug called paxel and it has completely meade me "normal." I really did have some kind of non-normal chemical imbalance or something. I used to go from great highs to great lows and i was known to yell a lot and throw fits, or just go into a deep somber mood.

Now i am basically happy all of the time. I still have my highs, where i am full of life and fun, but i have NONE of the lows. It is an amazing discovery for me, that i can feel normal and well-balanced, and i wish i started taking this drug years ago.

It really isn't like a drug in daily life, i feel no euphoria, nothing abnormal, no side effects (except it's harder, but not impossible, to reach orgasm), I just feel fine. Normal.

You may want to talk to your doctor about whether something like this can help you.

By the way, i do still struggle w/ the desire to drink, but not as much, i think.

Good luck and God Bless!!!!

Re: Depression

Unread postby pweston33 » Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:49 pm

i tried the aa way of life .went through all the steps, commitments out the wazoo,praying. all these things helped but i drank after 2.5 years i was out of my mind i talked to my family dr. ( of 15 years) who stated i was doomed to fail.i didnt handle the underlying problem. talk 2 ur sponsor and ur dr. it might work. it did 4 me my fit s are getting farther apart and i am sober with good sobriety. hope this helps ( if any 1 tells u not 2 take them in a.a. ask them for their practioners licence
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Re: Depression

Unread postby kla » Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:22 am

I have the same issue. I started on Lexipro and it really helps. Also taking Celexa and Visteral for anxiety. Nothing will help as much as seeing a therapist. You need to talk. You will be suprised at how many people have the same issue and will be supportive. I couldn't make it without the support. You can find them. But, find a good therapist. It's worth every cent. I have no desire to drink.

Re: Depression

Unread postby Guest » Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:37 pm

you realize, i hope, that it's a vicious cycle...drinking causes depression. So if you drink because your depressed, you will stay depressed because alcohol is a depressant. What you need is TIME. Things I Must Earn. You won't start feeling better until you stop drinking. You wont' feel better right away either. It will take a while. You may start to think that if this is the way I am going to feel, than why bother being sober. Trust me, it IS worth it. I have been sober almost 3 years. If i can do it, anyone can.

Re: Depression

Unread postby Guest » Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:41 pm

There is a great book that helped me understand what I was going through. Called Beyond The Influence. It answered so many things for me. It gave me the information of what I was going through and why. I was a life changer and a life saver. I recommend it highly. I am sober almost 3 years. I feel that at a critical point in my choosing to stay sober and go back to drinking, this book helped me through the toughest times. I find it helpful to be informed, and the book does that, and some.

Re: Depression

Unread postby » Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:50 pm

myfirststep wrote:I'm really new to this. but I saw your message and realized that I have the same issue. I've been told (I already knew) that alcohol is a depressant. So, if you (we) drink, it only makes matters worse. I drank last night because I was frustrated and depressed. I don't want to go to an AA meeting just yet. I'm not actually quite sure if I'm an alcoholic or not (which probably means that I have an issue with alcohol) I don't drink every day, but when I do, I'll finish the bottle. Have you tried going to a private therapist? Maybe that could get you started to figure out if your depression can be treated with medication. Just a thought. Also, if you live on the East coast (as I do), we've had a miserable winter and not much of a Spring. That can make anyone depressed. I wish you well and will say a prayer to the "Universe" for you. Keep trying. I'll do the same.

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