Any help is appreciated

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Any help is appreciated

Unread postby » Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:23 pm

Hi, my name is Wayne. Im a 34 yr old from Upstate Ny. Im married and I have 3 awesome children. I think I started drinking around the age of 16. I got arrested alot as a kid...nothing serious, a few over nighters in a county cell. I had 2 groups of friends growing up..1 group was the Good kids, and the other group was the Bad kids. I seemed to fit in more with the bad kids for some reason, anyways when I was young, Id go to parties and drink quite a bit. I think my biggest problem has been that I love the taste of beer. For the last 10 years, I have drank between 8-20 beers per night almost every night. I have 3 brothers, and they are all alcoholics as well. Ive tried to quit so many times, never making it past a week. Today is my 7th day of sobriety, and I have no idea how I am going to get through this. I cant go to a rehab, I wont talk in front of people. It seems as if when I am not drinking, I am thinking about drinking...I am commited to this..and my wife suggested that I try to start talking online about this. Anything that you can do to help me transition into a non-alcoholic would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for listening all. - Wayne

Re: Any help is appreciated

Unread postby » Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:25 pm

It's kind of sad to realize that the only thing i've ever kept constant in my life was matter what happened, I had alcohol...My job hasnt been constant...never had one over 6 marriage hasnt been constant, I stepped out on one occasion...but i always had enough to get drunk..Sad shit.

Re: Any help is appreciated

Unread postby Day 8 » Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:34 am

Today is day 8 sober...I woke up this morning and immediately started thinking about how to get a drink today..I cant believe how hard this is. Im so tired all th time, and I can feel my body just begging and begging for a drink. Today is gonna be a long day. I'd love to hear from anyone that can help me get through
Day 8

Re: Any help is appreciated

Unread postby Guest » Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:02 pm

Day 8 wrote:Today is day 8 sober...I woke up this morning and immediately started thinking about how to get a drink today..I cant believe how hard this is. Im so tired all th time, and I can feel my body just begging and begging for a drink. Today is gonna be a long day. I'd love to hear from anyone that can help me get through

Are there times where you feel better? How long does the urge last? Are there things you can do until the urge to drink passes: exercise, eat, drink fluids?

Re: Any help is appreciated

Unread postby Guest » Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:53 am

    Hi wayne I'm a alcoholic name Jerry mystory is simular to yours
    I did not go to a detox either but I meet some people
    who were willing to help . My brother in law
    was stepulated to meetings and I started going
    with him I did not want to drinkno more so
    I went to the meetings with him .the hardest thing
    for me was to go through the door.oncei got in there
    these guys were talking about a way of living
    and that if chose to make a decesion to join
    up I did not have to live the way I was living
    so since then which was a long time ago
    to know I live a good life .so Wayne my suggestion to
    you. Is to join aa in your area and get started
    get a home group get a sponsor and enjoy
    the best ride of your life
    god bless bigjerfosc South Philly

    Re: Any help is appreciated

    Unread postby » Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:26 am

    Dear Wayne,
    Congratulations on 8 days of sobriety. your head must feel clearer. I would like to tell you that you do not need to do this on your own. AA will be a huge help, in many more ways than just helping you stay sober. It taught me how to live when times get tough and I would turn to a drink, which was daily. I too was terrified of going to meetings. I am a professional woman, mother of three, who never had a DUI, or rehab... Interestingly enough, I started going to alanon, where if I saw someone I could say I had a family member who was an alcoholic... I found the people there so supportive and kind, I dared walk into my first AA meeting. The best thing that ever happened to me. For the first several weeks I just listened, afraid to speak. Gradually I recognized that I was no different from them, and have today 10 months of sobriety. It took a couple of different meetings until I found one that worked for me, now I go to a great 7am meeting before work. Best of luck, give AA a try, what do you have to lose... Your life can be better that you can imagine, once you leave that prison of alcohol. Try reading the Big Book, which I'm sure you can have mailed to you. I tried the "white knuckle" sobriety, AA's way is so much easier.S

    Re: Any help is appreciated

    Unread postby » Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:58 pm

    Im still going strong...i've been thinking about trying to go to AA...its hard for me to talk in front of people, but I might give it a shot...I've been staying home with my wife and kids and working out to keep busy. I'm really hoping that I'm done breaking promises and finally beginning the life that I should be. Wayne

    Re: Any help is appreciated

    Unread postby » Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:04 pm

    I just wanted to update and let everyone know that everything is still going great...Looking forward to wrapping up my second week of sobriety. Im a little stronger than I thought I was..but im still on guard. I havent faced or told any of my brothers or sisters yet i've been kind of avoiding it. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister that still have parties and get drunk every Friday and Saturday night. We have a wedding to attend at the end of August and I decided that my wife and I should take the kids along. My wife and kids are the main reason that I decided to change, and they have been very supportive of me. I think having my 2 lil girls there to dance with me will keep me busy.

    Re: Any help is appreciated

    Unread postby MCsquared » Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:06 pm


    Your dedication to sobriety is inspiring. Keep with it as your children will be eternally grateful in the endand you will continue to see how beautiful and inspiring this world can be.

    The social situations are tough. Know that no matter what anybody else thinks or may think (or says) about your new journey, you have a choice. If the environment is not conducive to your recovery, you might think about skipping as it would help you stay on the right path.


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    Re: Any help is appreciated

    Unread postby » Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:28 pm

    I'm stunned that I have gone this far. My last drink was on July 11th. I know that to some it seems like a short time, but the last 3 weeks have been hard on me. Im finally making choices that do not include alcohol. I'm waking with a clear head and motivation to stay strong and keep going. My wife has been great, my kids have been amazing. They are still babies, and I am happy to be enjoying them and proving to them that Daddy can do it. I feel so great, but I still have my guard up.

    Re: Any help is appreciated

    Unread postby Shaunm » Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:01 pm

    Hey Wayne;
    I was surfing online here about drinking and stumbled on this forum.It's been seven days sober here, and tonight is a tough one, but I have to say...
    after reading your story and how you are doing" I know how hard it is" and the mention of your children and wife I really got emotional "in a good way" so proud of you buddy, it is inspirational for me too.
    I just want to encourage you to keep it up,because I know it gets so much better.
    Me and my 2 brothers and one sister grew up with an alcoholic Dad "apple doesn't fall far from the tree"who was sober just 2 years before he died, but he missed us growing up and we missed him too, we all missed out on sooo much.
    I quit one time for three years and I remember how beautiful those years were, then I let alcohol creep back in and rob me of all the things I enjoyed so much,guitar playing,gym,artwork,and oh yeah , how alcohol has a way of just completely removing everything.
    It brings me joy to think that you could share your life with a beautiful wife and children instead of a bottle.
    I will check this again to see how you are doing..God Bless ya buddy!

    Re: Any help is appreciated

    Unread postby jdavis » Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:41 pm

    8 days is a good start. Maybe go see your doctor? there are anti anxiety meds that can help. I'm just shooting in the dark here. I, too love beer. I haven't had one in..a little over two weeks. I'm not sure what my status puts me. but this is about you.....The mere fact that you posted here means you are serious and that is great. I wish you well in your journey I agree with a prior post that suggested excercising? Or eat something healthy when you get the urges. GRab an apple? My biggest issue is that when I start on beer, I don't eat. Eat something and that always puts my desires down. Good luck and keep reading here, that helps me
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    Re: Any help is appreciated

    Unread postby Adriano » Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:23 pm

    Im new in this on line forum. Im Currently leaving in China for business and hve a nice group in there. Just arrive to the US fr a set of working meetings nad unfortunably at the city im ther are only meetings monday and fridy. After such a long trip i need a meeting. Im in ollegville, PHL, sny one know a close meeting on sunday?
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    Re: Any help is appreciated

    Unread postby backintouch » Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:24 pm

    Hi Wayne.. good for you!! It's one day at a time. but you don't need to do this alone. Alcoholisim is a life of isolation.. you don't have to isolate anymore.. and .. I mean this in the kindest way.. you are NOT unique when it comes to feeling self conciouse in front of people. I did also,, and most alcholics will agree that they did too. You don't have to white knuckle this. you can do it with others.. and it's important for you to hear how others stay sober, one day at a time. You will find out, that "stopping" drinking is only PART of the problem, that there are a whole list of personality traits that we share.. it's important to hear these things. So, please,,, walk into an AA meeting.. listen to learn and learn to listen. identify with others, but don't compare.. because you will ALWAYS hear stories that are worse then your own,, and maybe things that you didn't go through. these are called, 'THE YETS".. MEANING.. if we decide to drink again.. those things that didn't happen are likely to happen this time around. I personally have NEVER HAD a DWI, should I have??? you betcha! I never landed in jail.. but I guess I could have. Did I lie,, cheat.. yep! well.. I hope this has helped you some what.. I wish you the best.

    Re: Any help is appreciated

    Unread postby jackmarknow » Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:23 am

    It's kind of sad to realize that the only thing i've ever kept constant in my life was drinking.

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