first timer with AA...

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first timer with AA...

Unread postby tryingcc » Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:59 pm

i know its likely been asked and discussed a million times...but i'm looking for help finally and hoping to end the problems with my alcoholism.

never did AA or such. do i literally just go to the location and walk in? do i have to call or such ahead of time? is there anything i need to do? or just walk to the location and sit down? very nervous. thanks.
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Re: first timer with AA...

Unread postby Guest » Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:23 am

Kudos to you! You may want to read the article (link below) to learn more about the different types of meeting.

Re: first timer with AA...

Unread postby xoxoMad » Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:31 pm

I have also never been to an AA meeting and need to go ASAP. I have the same questions and fears..... I live in Bucks County, Pa.
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Re: first timer with AA...

Unread postby Guest » Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:50 pm

I had the same fears as well. It is the most welcoming environment you could ever imagine. Be sure to announce that you are a newcomer and ask for HELP. You may feel a little disencourenged at first because you may not know anybody. But if you keep going back to the meetings every week, people will open up to you. Show up a little early and introduce yourself. Someone may take interest in you and help you out. You got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Go For IT!!!!!!

Re: first timer with AA...

Unread postby xoxoMad » Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:12 pm

I went to my first AA today. I went early and was very nervous. Everyone was so kind. Everyone introduced themselves and gave me such a warm welcome. Afterwards I got lots of hugs. If you never been go. This was my first time and my first step into recovery and I am very happy I went. I can't wait to go again tomorrow.
I am one day SOBER! whew! Thanks be to GOD!
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Re: first timer with AA...

Unread postby Guest » Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:27 pm

Have you made it back to the rooms yet? I'm so glad your first experience was a good one. I just got my first sponsor ever last night at a meeting in Hulmeville(lower bucks county). It has taken me 2 years to stop sponsoring myself, throw up my hands and let someone else help me. I have always been on the fence whether I should choose NA, CA or AA. Only because I am an addict and an alcoholic. But I found that the strongest foundation for me is AA and it seems like people have more clean time and the step work is a little more intense. That's just my opinion. No matter what, keep showing up. I decided that I can't let my own messed up mind run my life any more, and I have to turn my will over to someone else and some higher power......whatever that may be....I'll find out. I've also realized that these people in the rooms with clean time are so happy with life. They don't have anger and fear, there not self loathing and filled with resentment like I am. They are at peace with themselves. That's where everyone needs to be....addict or non addict. I'm sick of looking back at my past and crying about all the damage I've caused. I want to move on with my life. I know I dropped out of college, ran up credit card debt and still owe 10's of thousands of dollars in fines and lawyer fees. I've loss major Pharmaceutical jobs because of my addiction and now I make pennies compared to what I used to make. But I need to move on and be contempt with where I'm at. I have a second chance at life and i just have to do it this time. No matter which way it takes me. Without the rooms, I would not have this positive thinking in my head. Good luck to you and I hope you can stick with it. Who knows, maybe I'll run in to you one day at a retreat or a dance or some kind of service commitment. Wouldn't that be something. Hang in there and just surrender yourself now. Again.....Good luck and I know you can do it.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:27 pm.

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