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 "This is your life"

This is your life. With its struggles, with its challenges, with its triumphs and its setbacks, with its successes and its failures. This is your life, this one, the one you are living day-to-day. Your life is not an imagined dream place, where everything would be perfect, if only. Your life is not a place of unmarred symmetry, where nothing surprising ever happens and you are never called upon to be more than you ever thought you could be.

This is your life, right now. This, with the shocking news that sometimes comes, with the boredom and ennui which sometimes set in, with days that pass gradually and days that go by in a blur, with all the ups and downs of fortune, some things of your own causing and others not, coming in and going out, the losses and the gains. This is your life.

And the way to improve your lot, if that is what you wish to do, is not to think that happiness is some place in the distant future where you can go, where all problems will be solved. Yes, today's problems may be solved, but tomorrow's new situations will bring new problems, if that is the way you view life. And whatever your life view right now, of problems and criticism or of acceptance and peace, will be your mindset in the future, even if your circumstances change. Even if you get more money and lose weight, even if you find that wonderful spouse, even if you have children or get a fabulous job. These things will change your life, but after the newness fades, you will return to your previous view, either that life is abundant and full or that it is sadly lacking.

And so, I would advise two things. First, shift your mental state to that of being in love with life just as it is, deeply loving and appreciating yourself and everyone else for being as grand as possible, even as things are as they are. And then take whatever small steps you might take in this moment to move in the direction you wish to head.

And that is all. And that is enough. And the combination of these two, a fresh and new attitude continually renewing, and little actions which head the right way, will gradually transform your life from the inside out, taking you to a place which is refreshed and inviting always, even as outward circumstances vary little. Here is a little prayer for today Today, I walk in gratitude, pleased to be who I am, living this life. I am deeply thankful for my gifts, deeply thankful for this life and the blood which courses through my veins.

Today, I embrace my life just as it is and acknowledge myself for all that I have done. I am full of respect for myself and my accomplishments. I love myself without reservation.

I am peace. I am love. I am.


Past Articles

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  • 5 Whys - The Five "Whys" of Quantum Creation.
  • Change - The only thing in life we can consistently count on is change.
  • This is your life. - With its struggles, with its challenges, with its triumphs and its setbacks, with its successes and its failures.
  • 4 Candles - Flash video.